The plenary of the STF will decide on privatization


Federal Supreme Court (STF) Minister Ricardo Lewandowski issued a referendum in court for a ruling that banned the privatization of state-owned companies without congressional approval in the event of a loss of control.

The 11 ministers of the Court do however meet again only in August, because of the suspension of the judiciary, which begins Monday and lasts every day. the month of July. In plenary, when the trial is heard, the ministers may uphold or overturn Lewandowski's injunction.

The Minister has decided to call a public hearing, with no fixed date, to discuss the matter. "Considering the political and legal relevance of the purpose of this action, I convene a public hearing (…) to hear the testimony of people with experience and authority in the transfer of control "On Wednesday, he granted an injunction to determine that the sale of shares of public companies, mixed-capital companies or their subsidiaries or controlled companies requires prior legislative authorization, Whenever he takes care of the alienation control of the shares

In another injunction, also Wednesday, Lewandowski withdrew Ceal from the privatization auction of the Eletrobras distributors, to the request of the government of Alagoas. The decision was considered by the economic zone as a "kick in the foot" of the company itself, because the delay should make Ceal lose, one of the most attractive for investors. At the limit, if the injunction is not reversed, the decision may even lead to the liquidation of the distributor.


The Ministry of Planning authorized by order the use of Petrobras' $ 32.7 billion for the purchase of submarine equipment owned by its subsidiary Netherlands, Petrobras Netherlands BV (PNBV).

According to the Secretariat for Coordination and Governance of State Enterprises, linked to the Ministry of Planning, Petrobras will benefit from Repetro-Sped, which will be used in Brazil, a new special customs regime created in December of the Last year by the federal law 13 586/2017, replacing Repetro. Some investments have been made in the exploration, development and production of oil, natural gas and other hydrocarbons

In the importation of goods whose permanence in the country is final, federal taxes such as the Industrialized Goods Tax (IPI), PIS / Pasep and the Contribution to Social Security Financing (Confins).

"Petrobras felt that it would be interesting and advantageous to transfer such equipment to the badets of the company, thus failing to afford a kind of lease paid to its subsidiary.

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