The Pope declares that we must support sex education in schools – Brazil


The Pope Francis said Monday, April 28, that bad education should be taught in schools, but added that the subject should be presented in clbad without "ideological colonization." This statement was made during a press conference after the participation of the Pontiff in World Youth Day in Panama .

The Pope defended the importance of bad education by answering a question from a journalist on the large number of early pregnancies in Central American countries and the number of children in the United States. absence of this problem in Panama schools.

"Sex is a gift from God, it's not a monster." It is a gift from God that to love, that some people use bad to make money or exploit others, is a problem. objectively, "he said.

He adds that education must be liberated from" ideological colonization "because it" destroys the person. "For him, it is important that you choose the teachers who will give clbades on the subject. "The ideal is to start at home, although sometimes this is not possible because families do not know how to treat the subject and the school must play this role."

When asked whether he considered the attitude of the Catholic Church to be very harsh on women who were abortions, the pope said that "mercy is for all and God always forgives" and added that if it was for him, to authorize "mercy."

The problem, he explained, "is not to forgive, but to know how to accompany women who have become aware of it." He said that when a woman thinks what she's done, it's a "dra me terrible "and that" we should comfort and not attack ".

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