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By the rule Previous, the employee had to look for the bank from his salary account (where the boss files the employee's salary) to request the transfer of money to an account at another bank. Now he can ask the institution where he wants to transfer his salary, including for accounts outside the banks.
From now on, the deposit destination account may be not only a bank check account, but also a payment account, which may be offered by non-financial institutions, fintech or card issuers.
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Understanding How Portability Works for Non-Bank Accounts:
What is Portability of Wages?
Wage portability is the right given to the worker to transfer the same day, automatically and free of charge, to: paid by the employer for a different account than the one used to deposit the salary (known as an account) salary). In this type of account, only the employer can make deposits.
How was the portability of wages before the new rule?
According to the previous BC rule, the salary account could not be transferred from bank to bank and one had to request the portability only in the bank of origin of the deposits made by the employer.
What's changing now?
What is new is that British Columbia has decided that it would be possible to carry this money, free of charge, to payment accounts managed by non-financial institutions such as fintechs, issuers of credit and debit cards. Deposits made up to 12h must be transferred the same day to the customer's preference account.
Payment accounts are an option for transferring money without having a checking account. Even outside banks, they allow you to make transactions, pay bills and make purchases with cards, for example. But there are limits to this type of account, such as obtaining credit and investments.
Payment accounts are secure?
To be able to make portability, payment institutions (IP calls) are authorized by the OC and transfer more than R $ 500 million a year, or have a bank behind the operations.
In order to secure customers' money, the Central Bank requires payment institutions that they deposit 100% of the funds in one of two destinations:
- In the accounts of the The agency itself
- .
Already the money deposited in the banks follows different rules, the so-called mandatory. Today, the BCB tax rate has been reduced by 25% in private banks for overnight deposits.
"Rules for the protection of customer resources are much safer in payment institutions than in financial institutions (banks), which can take risks with this money," he said G1 How much, Ricardo Taveira. "It's as if the IPs were 100% mandatory banks."
Is it possible to transfer the salary to store cards?
In some cases. The British Columbia resolution allows retail stores that offer credit cards to receive pay account funds, provided they offer a hybrid model with prepaid cards, notes Fialdini's lawyer. Advogados Vanessa Fialdini.
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