The presidency searches but does not find 74 objects of Lula and 6 of Dilma


BRASÍLIA – After 45 days of research, the commission created by the Presidency of the Republic to recover hundreds of objects from the presidency of the Union of Metallurgists of São Bernardo – Reproduction

which had been taken from Brasília by the former presidents Lula and Dilma Rousseff – concluded the work without identifying the place of 74 objects that would be in possession of Lula . In the case of Dilma only six of the 117 objects taken were not located

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Concluded on the last day 18, the report The commission will now be sent to the TCU for the adoption of measures. Obtained by GLOBO, the document reveals, in ten pages, that the servants of the Presidency have managed to locate, in the case of Lula, only 360 of the 434 objects taken from the Plbadto. The search took place in a warehouse of the Union of Metallurgists of São Bernardo do Campo, where about 800 boxes were filled with articles of the former president.

In addition to those listed by the Plbadto, members of the collection commission of the Museum of Fine Arts, in Rio de Janeiro. The document informs that the room had numbered the heritage of the Presidency and a stamp of the museum. On May 9, 2018, the commission, opening boxes and unpacking the collection of former President Lula, identified a vase in blue and brown colors with an identification tag to the data of the Presidency of Following the well-known numbering of the presidency, Lula's representative immediately handed over to the commission, "the report said.

Returned to the museum's collection, the ship was damaged when it was located. "It was found that the vessel had cracks in the base, but none at the top," says the report, without specifying whether cracks were caused before or after removal of the piece from the board.

The list of articles found in the union does not include items found by investigators of Operation Lava-Jato in the safe of a branch bank in São Paulo in March 2016, in which former President Lula kept gifts received during the eight-year presidency.


In the case of articles taken by former President Dilma, the report reveals that they were located in a container of the Cooperativa dos Trabalhadores Assentados of the region of Porto Alegre. Of the 117 objects taken by Dilma, the commission claims not to have found six. In a document presented to the commission, however, the former president indicated documents that would prove that the objects would be in the "dependencies of the presidency of the republic". "For the six badets that were not located there, Mr. Douglas Szefer (representative of Dilma) presented to the commission a descriptive document in four pages that reports that the six badets would be in the dependencies of the presidency of the Republic, "reports the report.

In front of the documentation presented by the PT, the commission worked in the real estate sector of Plbadto to express "about the allegations of the representative of the former president Dilma, that six badets not located in the stagecoach would be in the dependencies of this presidency of the Republic "

The Lula Institute reports that all the organization of the presidential collection was made by officials of the Palazzo Plbadto and that this collection was not affected by the former president since he left his post. "There has been a change in the criteria (on what should and should not be returned) that strangely refers only to him and not to the other former presidents.The collection is available for any research," explains the l & # 39; institute. The opinion of the former President Dilma was asked, but declined to comment on the case


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