The price of gasoline is followed by a 5th reduction and the average is less than 4 R $ in MS – Economy


The price of a liter of petrol suffered a fifth consecutive reduction in Mato Grosso do Sul, costing an average of R $ 3,950. According to a weekly survey conducted by the National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) between February 3 and 9, the fuel value reduction was 1.37%. It is also the biggest weekly percentage decrease since the beginning of the year. The reduction was 3.77% in the year accumulation.

In Campo Grande, the liter of gasoline decreased by 1.81%, to reach an average of 3,850 rand. Among the 42 establishments surveyed in the capital, the cheapest was found at R $ 3,999 and the most expensive at R $ 3,999.

Among the municipalities in the interior, the largest decline was recorded at Ponta Porã, 2.27%, closing on average at R $ 4,129 for the consumer. The value of fuel also decreased in Corumbá (0.22%), costing R $ 4,450, Cushion (0.13%), closing at R $ 4,306 on average, Dourados (0,51%) at the price of 4 R $ 032 and Três Lagoas (0.34%) averaged R $ 4,093.