The renunciations of Flamengo – The antagonist


The Nest Training Center in Flamengo, Urubu, where a fire broke out in the barracks and 10 people were killed, received about $ 10.37 million (in corrected figures of $ 10.37 million). In these cases, governments allow firms to pay a percentage of the tax due, provided that the funds are intended for programs previously approved by the public authorities.

Ambev Brewery and Lafarge

"When receiving donations, the club is required to report on the use of money."

The board must submit invoices for subcontracted services or materials purchased from the secretariat. State of Sports, Recreation and Youth of Rio, which authorized the capture of resources.

Too bad if the money that could have been used by the government in

There are "underground forces" in Congress that prevent important projects from being put to the vote. Follow here!
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