The risk of heart attack is highest during the holiday season | Science and health


A study published in the "British Medical Journal" indicating that the risk of heart attack is higher during the holiday season.

According to researchers at the universities of Lund, Stockholm, Uppsala and Orebro, Sweden, the maximum risk is about 22 hours.

A study of 283,000 people admitted to Swedish hospitals with myocardial infarction between 1998 and 2013 indicates that the highest incidence of heart failure occurred on the night of December 24 – 37 % rest of the year – followed by New Year's Eve – with a maximum of 20%.

According to the authors of the research, the highest incidence of these heart attacks could be explained by the excess of alcoholic beverages and foods at this time of year. The risk increases with age and in people with diabetes or heart disease, notes the French newspaper "Le Figaro".

Interviewed by the journalist, French cardiologist Pierre Aubry rejects the possibility of avoiding holidays, but recommends moderation during dinners as well as control of emotions. In addition, this suggests that people consult emergencies as soon as symptoms such as pain or feeling of pressure in the chest, shoulder or left arm, shortness of breath or fainting are detected.

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