The servers lose their leaders, but gain power with the army – 17/12/2018 – Power


One of the most powerful thematic groups in Brasilia, the bench of public servants accumulates victories in Congress and, as usual, promises to constitute an obstacle to attempts at fiscal adjustment.

Although he lost leaders at the polls, he will get the backing of elected officials and police in the wave led by Jair Bolsonaro.

Unlike organized, structured rural, religious, religious, and health fronts, which have regular command and operation, the functionalist bench has no institutionalized action.

But in certain special situations, he is able to unite in the pressure exerted by the various and active badociations of officials, in a lobby that attracts a large part of the Congressmen – even those who do not have direct relationship with the sector, serving as a basis for the bombing models and, other

Numerically, only 14 deputies of the legislative act in force declare that the civil service is a profession. In the next legislature, which will have a record renewal of more than 50%, this number will more than double to 36.

Although the number of teachers, most of the public network, goes from 75 to 47 , the Bolsonaro wave will lead to House a group of 28 police and military – are currently 19.

This tends to make even more difficult measures such as the revision of the social security system of these categories.
Although the sum in the new legislature, which begins on February 1, represents a little over 100 seats out of 513, the lobby of functionalist societies can easily expand this quota in specific situations.

"It is the movement of civil servants who banned social security reform, it is not the big trade union centers.It is a fight won by us, it is a consensus among the parliamentarians themselves, "said Rudinei Marques, president of Fonacate.

Fonacate is one of the most active entities. It brings together 31 unions and badociations, ranging from auditors to federal police representatives, representing approximately 200,000 employees.

A Folha has been engaged in recent days with representatives of functionalism and members of different parties who defend the interests of these categories.

In general, parliamentarians of the Federal District constitute the backbone of the bench of functionalists – of the administrative apparatus of the Union – by deputies directly connected to the public service – such as teachers of the network public,

Former territories, these three states are at the origin of a lobby group consisting of incorporating their agents on the payroll of the Union.

] This group, under pressure from functionalist entities, is tasked with gathering the support of its colleagues to act in "attack" and "defense", in hindsight, up to the point of attack. now, of rout.

The most successful attacks. The current legislature was, in the first place, the mega-pay adjustment of several categories of three-power functionalism approved soon after the dismissal of Dilma Rousseff in 2016 with the support of the government of Michel Temer. The last installment will be paid in 2019.

Second, the recent increase in the pay check of the federal Supreme Court ministers from 33,700 to 39,3 thousand rand, thus raising the ceiling for civil servants and, with a cascading effect in the judiciary, which has an impact of about 4 billion rubles a year.

The "Strategic Information" report, produced by the Ministry of Planning and handed over to the transitional government's economic team, shows that the readjustments approved MPs and Senators in recent years are generally in higher indices than official inflation.

"The Brazilian public sector wage bill reached 13.1% of GDP in 2015, surpbading Portugal and France, which had higher payrolls than Brazil ten years ago. Australia and the United States have considerable payrolls (about 9% of GDP), while Chile, a middle-income Latin American country, has spent only 6.4% of GDP. GDP, "says the report.

"Expenditures are high by the high salaries of civil servants and not by the excessive number of agents, which is particularly true at the federal level, where wages are significantly higher."

Report to him – even highlights the effectiveness of the other functional area of ​​functionalist staff. : defense.
The text of the plan records the Congress fiasco regarding the attempt to suspend or postpone approved salary adjustments.

Provisional measure 805/2017, modified by Temer, was intended to carry forward increases from 2018 to 2019, but expired – that is, lost. its effect – without even leaving the joint committee of deputies and senators created to badyze it.

The deputy chosen to chair him was Rogério Rosso (PSD-DF), one of the most active leaders of the bench of functionalists. Supported by an injunction of the Federal Supreme Court against the MP, he did not even hold a meeting to discuss the issue. The government stopped saving 4.4 billion rubles in 2018, but revised another MP, 849/2018, with the aim of postponing and canceling the projections for 2019.

Sent to Congress early September, to this day. pending the appointment of the rapporteur, all indications that it will follow the same path as the previous – the loss of efficiency due to the lack of badysis of Congress within 120 days.

The list of successes of the compact defense of the functionalist bench is vast. Parliamentarians and room technicians were unable to set a goal.

The pension reform of the Temer government was wrecked. A project that facilitates the stability of the public servant and establishes the loss of public functions for lack of performance has been in place for a year in the Senate. The proposal to regulate the ceiling of functionalism, whose purpose is to put an end to the loopholes that open loopholes to the supersalarios, must be voted since June by a special committee of the House

"The court has acted more in defense than In attack "says Rosso. For the new legislature, however, he believes that there will be a weakening because of the non-continuity of some parliamentarians strongly related to functionalism and the perception of certain segments of society whose official is privileged.

Rosso challenged the federal and unelected federal district government. The other victims of the team are Deputy Rôney Nemer (PP-DF), who did not stand for re-election, as well as deputies Jovair Arantes (PTB-GO) and Arnaldo Faria de Sá ( PP-SP), which failed in the elections [19659002] Faria de Sá, 72, a fierce critic of pension reform and the defender of pensioners' rights, will complete a cycle of eight consecutive terms as a Member of Parliament. "The new president has a base among the military, it will serve as an umbrella for employees," he says.

Among the flags of officials of the next legislature are new cycles of readjustments beginning in 2020, the battle to dump welfare reform to avoid a relaxation of the stability of the public service, and the defense of the revision of the constitutional amendment that froze federal spending – may not be a recognized goal, but one of the few "bullets in the back" that the team has taken these last years.
Erika Kokay (PT-DF), Delegate Waldir (PSL-GO) and Fábio Ramalho (MDB-MG), Vice-President of the Chamber and candidate for the presidency of Parliament, are among the most active members of the parliamentary committee to re-elect [19659002] Major Olimpio (PSL-SP), ally of Bolsonaro and one of the main critics of the pension reform of Temer, was elected senator. "What we defend is the maintenance of minimum guarantees, not privileges, privileges are different from guarantees," said the parliamentarian, principal of the PM-SP remunerated reserve.

Of the 52 deputies elected to the PSL, 47 deputies are new compared to the current legislature, many of them being related to the military field. In the opinion of parliamentarians, Bolsonaro could face the same resistance that Lula and the PT experienced at the beginning of his administration, which led to a split that eventually led to the creation of the PSOL

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