The seventh guardian: Valentina discovers that Leo is human


<img src = "" alt = "In this Tuesday (22) chapter of the Seventh Guardian , current novel of 21 of the Globe, Valentina (Lilia Cabral) (Bruno Gaglibado) will soon discover that Leon (Eduardo Moscovis) is human, not a cat, as many people thought.

Without thinking twice and always visibly perplexed, Gabriel's mother

Geandro records what is happening with such information? Lourdes street dwellers and l & # 39; takes a test of confidence and Leon adopts the human form to force him in. Valentina discovers that Leon is human and tells Marcos Paulo Eurico fails the confidence test and Gabriel applies the sentence to the mayor. is expelled from the Brotherhood, Milu puts Feliciano on guard against Valentina Maltoni asks Father Ramiro to intercede for him and Elisa next to Jurandir. Geandro does not give in to Lourdes. Firmina and Luz support Clotilde and Tobias. Leonardo makes changes to his film and Rita de Cbadia is at the party. Marilda is strange to Eurico's behavior. Firmina confronts Mirtes about his plan with Guilherme. Spider is worried that Stella's lunch will fail. Valentina asks Eurico for confidence test of brotherhood

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