"The state is secular, but this minister is terribly Christian," says Damares in assuming human rights | Politics


The evangelical lawyer and pastor Damares Alves took this Wednesday (2) the post of Minister of Women, Family and Human Rights. In her speech, she said: "The state is secular, but this minister is terribly Christian".

Damares Alves is an educator, lawyer and parliamentary advisor to Senator Magno Malta (ES), one of the main allies of President Jair Bolsonaro. She was born in Paraná, but moved to the northeast, where she lived in Alagoas and Bahia.

The Ministry of Women, Family and Human Rights was established by Bolsonaro. It will be the responsibility of the portfolio to coordinate policies and guidelines for the promotion of human rights.

The portfolio will work on issues such as: women, the family, the elderly, children and adolescents, people with disabilities, indigenous and minority rights.

The file will have eight secretaries and 12 councils or committees. The National Secretariat for Women's Policies and the National Policy Secretariat for the Promotion of Racial Equality, which had ministerial status in the Lula and Dilma governments, will report to the ministry headed by Damares Alves.

<img clbad = "content-video__placeholder__thumb" src = "https://s03.video.glbimg.com/x720/7247778.jpg" alt = "Ministers of Bolsonaro: Damares Alves

In his speech of Wednesday, the new minister said that the base of the ministers of Bolsonaro was: Damares Alves

<img clbad = "content-video__placeholder__thumb" src = "https://s03.video.glbimg.com/x720/7247778.jpg "alt =" The ministers of Bolsonaro: Damares Alves Jair Bolsonaro will be the family.

"All public policies in this country will have to be developed on a family basis and the family will be taken into account in all public policies," he said.

"I am a woman alone with a girl and nothing will take us this link We are a family According to Damares Alves, her daughter left Brasilia because of the threats she had suffered during the transition. [19659011] Read more Damares said he would like the ministry to be called "Ministry of Life and Joy." "And speaking of life, I'm talking about life since conception,"

Violence Against Women: Damares Alves cited reports of violence against women and stated that, under the government of Jair Bolsonaro, none will be ignored.

"Ideological indoctrination": He stressed that one of the challenges of the government would be to end "abuse of ideological indoctrination" "This put an end to the ideological indoctrination of children and adolescents in Brazil," he said. Damares Alves said that he feared at the time of not being able to call us princess girls and our princes boys. "

In a 2014 speech, the theme of which was" The risks facing the Brazilian family "with a decree issued by the government Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in 2009. According to her, the text says" that the Brazilian family must be destroyed. "

The decree mentioned in the Minister's speech deals with the National Human Rights Program and establishes" deconstruction of heteronormativity "on the grounds that it is necessary" to To include in the public service information systems all family configurations composed of bads, gays, bibaduals, transvestites and transbaduals. "

" They want much more than to build Brazil to homonormativity. They want, worse yet, to destroy the heteronormativity. That worries me a lot, but I would like this country to have another decree. I am a Christian, pastor and my rule of faith is the Bible, "said Damares at the time.

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