"The Synod is a church meeting for the Church," says CNBB Secretary General – Politics


BRASÍLIA – One day after the state reveals that the federal government wants to neutralize the potential criticism of Catholic leaders to Jair Bolsonaro's president Synod of the Amazon, meeting a religious gathering convened by Pope Francis, Secretary General of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB), Gift by Leonardo Steiner said Monday that the event was "from Church to Church"

"It is an event, a celebration of the Church for the Church." , from the Church to the Church, it is about the whole pan-Amazonian problem: the people, the environment, all this reality will certainly be addressed ", said Don Leonardo in a video published by the CNBB.

According to the state shown, the Bolsonaro government activated Itamaraty to seek an interlocution with the Vatican. One of the attempts was that a Brazilian diplomatic representative attended the meeting of bishops, which caused a negative reaction among Brazilian clerics. According to him, there have never been politicians at the event. The Holy See is responsible for the organization and any invitation goes through the sieve of the pope.

In the video, the CNBB reproduced statements by Pope Francisco explaining the importance of the synod of the Amazon. The entity clarified that the meeting was scheduled since 2017, that is to say before the election of Bolsonaro. After a series of preparatory meetings in the dioceses of Brazil, which have attracted the attention of the intelligence and army services, will take place in October in Rome, Italy.

"As we have heard and seen, the holy priest Francisco has called a synod for Pan-Amazonia in 2017. This year we will celebrate the synod for Pan-Amazonia. the presence and the prayer of all the Brazilian people, but also of the eight other countries which imply the Amazon ", asks Dom Leonardo. "The holy priest wants us to find ways of evangelization"

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