"The time does not stop": Samuca will be poor


  Nicolas Prattes is Samuca in 'Time not for' (Photo: Reproduction) Nicolas

In the following chapters of "Time does not stop" Samuca (Nicolas Prattes) will run out of money

This will begin when Livaldo (Nelson Freitas), badisted by Lucio (João Baldbaderini) and Mariacarla (Regiane Alves), sued to challenge the patent for the fertilizer that allowed the creation of Samvita.

Shortly after, the bandits will demand the blockade of Samuca's badets in court and the boy will discover that he lost his fortune by going to pay an account at the bakery

Gabiru will repeat the Operation but will not succeed.

Gabriela will repeat the operation but will not succeed. . Samuca will then ask Vanda (Lucy Ramos) to help you check the accounts.

– I've checked all your accounts, Samuca. Unfortunately, it was not a bank error. Her personal accounts were blocked, Samuca – she explained, leaving the businessman surprised.

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Later, Samuca will give the news to Marocas (Juliana Paiva):

– I do not have a penny more. You are the richest man I have ever met, Samuel. And I do not speak of material goods, but of values, ethics, character!

– Only you to raise my morals.

– And, moreover, Kikinico C is still in the beginning, but we have already started paying at least the bills.

– No way!


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