Did you know that measles has become a threat again?
Did you know that measles is still a threat?
Did you know that measles is still a threat?
Did you know that measles is still a threat? 49 years?
Measles is an acute viral infectious disease, transmissible and highly contagious. Transmission occurs through direct contact with a person infected with droplets that are expelled by coughing, sneezing, talking or breathing.
The vaccine is part of the fight against the disease and is available in health units with vaccination rooms. . In addition to vaccination, the Municipal Health Department (Semsa) is also stepping up disease control activities in places of high population concentration, such as schools in the municipality and the state.
– Fever accompanied by a persistent cough, irritation of the eyes and red spots on the skin.
According to a second bulletin published Tuesday 26/6, Manaus is recorded, in the period of one week, 283 new suspected cases of the disease. A total of 1,724 cases of measles have been reported since February, when the outbreak began in the city, of which 265 have been confirmed, 113 have been rejected and 1,346 remain pending laboratory results
. The largest number of notifications is for people aged 20-29. The northern part of Manaus is the locality with the highest number of cases, with 37.6% of total notifications. On the other hand, the Eastern Zone was second in the reports with 30.7% of the cases, followed by the South (17.6%), the West (13.1%) and the Rural (1.0%).
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