The WhatsApp fragrance strike hits 40,000 people in one day


With Christmas approaching, end – of – year celebrations and increased online shopping, the number of scams involving promotions is the same. Dfndr lab, of the cybersecurity company PSAfe, has followed a new type of scam involving the brand O Boticário. Falconry is complex and persuades users to provide their data and share the scam with their friends, thus increasing the risk of infection.

This action consists of a deceptive message that promises a list of free branding items to users who provide their data. and share the promotion with family and friends. The laboratory dndnd alert on the character of refinement of the system. This is because there is a lot of data used to persuade the user. The criminal, whose database has probably been disclosed on the Internet, has access to the phone and the user name, so the message already reaches the completely unintended imprudent.

Image inviting users to share links to invite other friends (Photo: Dfndr Lab)

The person receives a message with a link to register. Here, you are asked to provide a name, an address, a name, and then to share another link with friends. In this way, the hacker creates another database, which can be used for other scams. technological products.

"This is a separate scam, and the cybercriminal actually does a lot of work, check-in and check-in from the CPF makes it very much like a real brand promotion and, therefore, is extremely difficult for a user without technical knowledge to identify it as false, "says Emilio Simoni, director of dfndr lab. "With the increased sophistication of scams, simply taking basic precautions will no longer be enough to protect you."

The shared link to invite friends is also very refined. The hacker has programmed the system to indicate by name the person from whom you receive the false promotion with "Guest by NAME".

The invitation is personalized with the name of the person who sent it (Photo: Dfndr Lab)

"It is therefore essential that users place a high value on the security of their data. a protection solution on their smartphones and always check if the promotion exists on official channels or link control sites ", recommends Simoni.

One of the tips for realizing, for example, that the link is wrong is that O Boticario generally uses the "" links and not ".me" or ".xyz" as they are in the messages. However, if you want to check if a link is wrong or not, you can also check the links tool on the lab site.

According to dfndr's laboratory data, 43.8 million similar hits were recorded. third quarter of 2018, which corresponds to five detections per second.

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