The "white" privatization of Petrobras must be stopped, says Ildo Sauer


247 – The former director of Petrobras of gas and energy in the Lula government, the engineer Ildo Sauer, deputy director of the USP Energy and Environment Institute warns against "white" privatization of course to Petrobras. He criticizes the sale of state-owned badets in order to reduce his indebtedness and accuses: "They privatize Petrobras and nobody sees it."

"Sauer does not save the mismanagement of Dilma, and claims to be one that the state enterprise does not have the ability to invest because & # 39; It is in debt. "With the guarantee of oil, the Chinese would finance." And he condemns "the rotten government fears" by opening up 70 percent of pre-salt oil that Petrobras himself has discovered. "


It does not depend on Brazil or Petrobras There is a huge misunderstanding in the way the current government and the managers treat the company as its own. Was a conventional company, subordinated to the rules of the axis New York-London Petrobras should be out of that.Many badysts celebrated the interventions initiated by (Aldemir) Bendine in the government of Rousseff (Rousseff) and reproduced with absolute orthodoxy under Temer.These people understand that the only role of the company is to e generate dividends and accountability from a short-term perspective that only looks short-term. It is obvious that Petrobras has gone through, especially from 2011 to date, due to mismanagement, lack of strategic vision and political instrumentalisation. There were the criminal episodes we all knew, but also happened before. But the answer now given to mismanagement in refinery projects is absolutely scandalous. In times of crisis, instead of seeking the solution in deepening the business strategy called the "accountant". First the Bendine, who turned out to be a corrupt. With him came Ivan Monteiro, who set up all this strategy, was maintained by the Relative and today is the president. Ivan Monteiro is the continuation of this strategy that could be the beginning of the end of Petrobras. The solutions they proposed are the most unfavorable: sell badets such as oil deposits, refineries and pipelines built at high prices at low prices and high prices for steel. Selling pipelines to Brookfield and then paying fees that, in two or three years, equals the amount received, is absolutely false. A company that has the potential control of production of 100 billion barrels should not be subject to dictates of financial orthodoxy. It should seek partners like China and India to obtain credit and increase production capacity. This was not the case to amputate, but to undertake.

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