The wreck of an immigrant boat in Libya kills 3 babies


The Libyan authorities removed from the sea the bodies of three babies drowned in a shipwreck on the coast of the country near the capital Tripoli on Friday (19659001). The sinking occurred only 6 km from the Libyan coast, with a boat carrying about 120 immigrants. Only 16 people survived. According to local sources, the three babies who died drowned were less than a year old. The accident occurred on Friday at 4 am local time, probably due to overcrowding and holes in the bow of the ship. With the holes, the pbadengers had to concentrate on their backs and ended up falling into the sea.
According to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), migrants remained at sea for about a year. time to wait for help, which happened after the warnings issued by the fishermen. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns: n = f.fbq = function () {n. callMethod?
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