Three victims of an explosion at their home in São Gonçalo are in a very serious condition


The three injured people in the explosion of a house in São Gonçalo, in the metropolitan region of Rio, are in a very serious state, said the Secretary of State for Health. Milena Campos de Oliveira, 20 years old, Maria Célia Campos, 48 ​​years old. and 21-year-old Rafael Ferreira Silva are hospitalized at Alberto Torres public hospital in Colubandê neighborhood, also in São Gonçalo

  The house was destroyed
The house was destroyed Photo: Divulgação [19659004ThethreewereinhouseatRuaRenidadaSilvadeCarvalhoinEngenhoRoçadodistrictwhentheplaceexplodedFirecrewswenttothesceneandfoundthethreevictims

In a note, the civilian police said that "the investigation had been requested on the spot, other ongoing diligences to clarify the circumstances of the incident".


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