Tite explains Fagner's choice for Danilo: "It went well, it stays" | brazilian team


Fagner won the post of Danilo on the right wing of the Brazilian national team. Even with the return of the Manchester City player after two games handed to the medical department, Tite confirmed the novelty in the match team that Sunday the day before the duel against Mexico, and explained decision.

– We seek to have a balanced team, with creation and infiltration on both sides, coordination of defensive movements in his line of four. Fagner has this confrontation, is one of the features that he has. The one against his speed is quality. I told Danilo before today 's practice the criteria. He had played well, he was two games, Fagner came in very well, rest. He remains for the performance in both games, high-level performance in two decisive games

  Tite and Thiago Silva collective of the Brazilian national team (Photo: David Gray / Reuters) gray / Reuters)

In addition to Titus and Thiago Silva, [19659006] Tite and Thiago Silva, the Brazilian national team (Photo: David Gray / Reuters) captain of the time the technical badistant Sylvinho and the physical trainer Fábio Mahseredjian participated in the press conference in Samara, explaining the absence of Marcelo in the alignment

– Marcelo played very little time on 27 (in the victory over Serbia). On the 28th and 29th, the medical department did absolutely nothing. Yesterday (Saturday), came on the field, worked with ball, a little specific, but without confrontation. Work that was done today (Sunday) also with a low volume. This makes me conclude that he is losing a little speed of reaction and makes us fear for a game that may have 120 minutes. When I give the estimate of time, I can not say that she has a capacity of 120 minutes. In addition, the forecast is high temperature, resulting in physical wear is very large.

In the sequence, Tite added that in normal situation, Marcelo would be the starter, but made a reservation:

– What the coach can not do is put a player in such a situation of confrontation. He came to the field, wants to participate, he shows his responsibility, his commitment as a team. It is one of the leaders. I told him this, however the technician can not, in 45 or 60 minutes, security time, put him in a game of this feature. We do not pay for health care. Go to training, as it is possible to accelerate this process of trust. We talked at the end of the training if you could count on him. Titus confirmed the selection of the team for Monday's decision with Filipe Luís instead of Marcelo . will face Mexico with Alisson, Fagner, Thiago Silva, Miranda and Filipe Luís, Casemiro, Willian, Paulinho, Philippe Coutinho and Neymar, Gabriel Jesus

  collective Tite and Thiago Silva of the Brazilian national team (Photo: Reuters) <img clbad = "content-media__image picture" itemprop = "contentURL" alt = "Titus and Thiago Silva of & # 39; Brazilian team (photo: Reuters)" CNI / sc8 / 8QAIBABAAEEAgIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAREAITFRQWEQkXGh8P / aAAgBAQABPxAIJfDis / YoCBHgUthmmM4FKZCznea6D1XOfTepMYbscyNLxHJWEnirCUYHRIODCKFbmi99oYiu09K + 61 + zr5cf / 9k = title = "Tite and Thiago Silva conference of the Brazilian team (Photo: Reuters)" data-src = "https://s2.glbimg.com/WcsuFrH-PtGHiEKatM5d4jVJTSg= / 0x0: 3500×2334 / 984×0 /smart/filters:strip_icc()/i.s3.glbimg.com/v1/AUTH_bc8228b6673f488aa253bbcb03c80ec5/internal_photos/bs/2018/a/z/LtU5sZSruwndZu2n3DCQ/2018-07-01t142900z-1462835833-rc11afa7ef80-rtrmadp Tite and Thiago Silva of the Brazilian national team (Photo: Reuters)

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"Some things in the locker room, I do not pbad, I do not pbad, I will pbad, I played a lot, I played too much, I talked to him, he knows, we know the price he paid to get back to this level he played a lot, he played a lot, he played a lot, he played a lot, it 's very difficult, when I said that there was a need (five matches to reach fullness) he played a lot .Now, yes, he has returned to a high level. "

  • About Mexico

" I will talk about my Waiting as a coach: as the team repeats the pattern of the last match, I will no longer escape my responsibility, it is to reproduce the technical, tactical, physical aspect , emotional, because it is decisive, the norm of the previous game.In these tactical aspects, we will keep you a little bit.I know the quality of all the work of the Mexican national team.I do not do not go into specific situations. team play performance similar to that of the next game. "

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"Statistical data, looking at the past, as d & # 39; Other references, such as an Olympic gold win In the previous game, all the athletes had a good or a good performance, which strengthens the team More: who came in, made the difference L & # 39; team needs wolves Sometimes they are wolves of different characteristics, but equal amounts. "Fernandinho came in with a very high level.

Osorio and the importance of the recomposition: "Titus is part of a team, and Osorio is also Brazil and Mexico".

See information of the Brazilian team for the match against Mexico:

Location: Samara Arena in Samara
Date and time: Monday at 11am [19659024] Composition : Alisson, Fagner, Thiago Silva, Miranda and Filipe Luís; Casemiro; Paulinho, Philippe Coutinho, Willian and Neymar; Gabriel Jesus. Arrest: Gianluca Rocchi, badisted by Elenito di Liberatore and Mauro Tonolini (19459004) Emphasis: Casemiro, Coutinho and Neymar
Accentuation: Douglas Costa (right thigh injury)
all over the world Italy)
Transmission: TV Globo (narration of Galvão Bueno, comments by Casagrande, Ronaldo and Arnaldo Cézar Coelho, reports by Tino Marcos, Guilherme Pereira and Eudes Júnior), SporTV (narration of Luiz Carlos Jr., comments by Lédio Carmona and Ricardinho, reports by Mauro Naves and Eric Faria) and GloboEsporte.com
Realtime: GloboEsporte.com, from 9am

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