Too much propaganda! Xiaomi TVs were users watching ads when changing HDMI port


Famous for being one of the largest smartphone manufacturers in the world, Xiaomi is able to expand across several branches of the tech world, producing Smart Bracelets for Smart TV.

However, despite the quality printed in most products, owners of Reddit-branded TVs have complained about one of the latest software programs: displaying advertisements whenever the video source is switched.

According to reports, advertisements have a duration. 60 seconds, apparently can not be ignored and appears each time the user decides to switch from one HDMI port to another. Although it is new, this practice closely resembles a feature already present in televisions, which exhibit similar propagation when connected.

In fact, about a year ago, television owners and Mi TV Box complained that the devices displayed advertisements when they were lit, even by randomly stopping the displayed program.

At this time, users were finding a way to avoid displaying commercials in the form of ready-to-use software, custom code, or just adding related fields. directly to the home router, preventing the TV from accessing the required sites.

If you are the owner of some of the brand's devices and have suffered from Xiaomi's novelty, it is possible to check the details of the methods used by some users through the subject of Reddit. To access it, click here

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