Do you know what Bruna Marquezine, Marina Ruy Barbosa and Mariana Rios have in common? They all bet on the sensual air of the cropped top Versace . The models have in common the baroque details of air and lace in the sleeves and bar, but they differ in prints and types of neckline. Bruna Marquezine, Marina Ruy Barbosa and Mariana Rios (Photos: AgNews – @ marinaruybarbosa) and @ marianarios / Instagram / Reproduction) "src =" https://p2.trrsf.com/image/fget/cf /460/0/images.terra.com/2018/07/03/abrebrunamarquezinemarinaruybarbosamarianarios.jpg "title =" Bruna Marquezine, Marina Ruy Barbosa and Mariana Rios (Photos: AgNews – @ marinaruybarbosa / @ marianarias / Instagram / Reproduction) "width = "460" />
Marianarios / Instagram / Reproduction)
The trio combined the piece with other French brand items, including shorts, belts, a shirt and a tunic. Marina was the first in the program " Meeting " in May. Bruna and Mariana have already circulated with the look last Saturday (30), but in different events. Inspire yourself:
Marina Ruy Barbosa
To go to the Marina Ruy Barbosa in 1997. She combined with cropped top in the same pattern and pants with leather texture and a part opaque. The black double-looped gold belt comes out .
# estáadica3: Remember that prints increase visually.
cropped because the short length of the blouse highlights the size of the bust.
Mariana Rios
Mariana Rios celebrated her birthday with a peak of $ 2,890, denim shorts, a black belt from R $ 1950 and a tunic.
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You can use a third open piece as a tunic or blazer, help to stretch it because of the vertical lines that it creates. ! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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