Tsunami strikes Indonesia and leaves the dead | World


A tsunami struck the coast of Sunda Strait between the islands of Java and Sumatra in Indonesia, killing 20 people and injuring 165, according to the National Agency for Disaster Reduction. The phenomenon was caused by the eruption of the volcano Krakatoa, with a submarine displacement.

The director of the agency, Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, publishes images on Twitter moments after the pbadage of the giant waves.

Data collected on the tsunami in Pantai Kab Pandeglang, Serang dan Lampung Selatan Hingga 23/12/2018 Data korban kemungkinan masih akan terus bertambah. href = "https://t.co/6f7buuoD5Y" url = "https://t.co/6f7buuoD5Y"> pic.twitter.com/6f7buuoD5Y <! – >

of December 22, 2018

Previously, Nugroho had tweeted images of places invaded by water, claiming that the high tide was exerted by the influence from the moon.

Shortly after, new published images speak of a tsunami and rebadure the population as to the non-existence of a tsunami – which resurfaced nearly eight hours later, followed by Apologies and exclusion of previous messages.

Sutopo Purwo Nugroho apologized for trying to rebadure people that there had been no tsunami and erasing previous publications.

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