The current Turkish Penal Code provides for a 15-year prison sentence for badual abuse of minors, which could lead to life imprisonment
Jul 1, 2018, 12:06 pm
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Bozdag made this statement after condemning the murder of Eylül Yaglikara, a journalist from Yozgat City, according to the Turkish news agency" Anadolu ", an eight-year-old girl who was found dead yesterday, with signs of badual abuse, after a search operation that lasted eight days and left the country in great expectations.
"It is an atrocious crime. "
" We had already announced them before, but these reforms were not made because the elections interfered, "he said.
Although the ruling party, Justice and Development (AKP), in power since 2002, has lost an absolute majority in Congress, it could continue to legislate through the coalition with the Right National Action Movement (MHP)
The current Turkish Penal Code provides for 15 years imprisonment for badual abuse of minors, and can be lifted if the victim dies
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