Twitter gains a new form of security verification by USB


Account security in social networks worries many users, but those who use Twitter (which recently stopped working on multiple Windows phones), have just gained another reason to stay calm.

an additional security feature further complicating the lives of pirates.

In addition to the already known two-step verification, it is now also possible to use a USB Security as part of the process. The interesting news was recently revealed by the Twitter Safety Profile on the platform:

The additional login option can be enabled via the Verification Methods menu, located in Twitter settings. Once activated, a window will appear inviting the user to save his USB key by inserting it into the computer.

Once setup done, all you have to do is bring the USB with you and enjoy the extra security. The feature can be useful, for example, if the smartphone is not there, has no available charge, or even in cases where there is no cellular network signal for receive the SMS with the verification code.

Facebook and Google already offer two-step authentication using USB sticks as part of the process. In fact, the ornithological network did not "innovate", but followed what their competitors offered them. part of the user experience.

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