The Maykuty brothers Tuhu Waurá and Yatakulo Willianz Waurá traveled nearly two thousand kilometers between Xingu (PA) and Campinas (SP) to present themselves on Sunday at Unicamp for the entrance examination. A native university. They are from the Waurá ethnic group.
It is the first time that the State of Campinas operates a selective process in favor of this population since the founding of the university in the second half of the 60s.
"We have had a week of traveling, too tired!" Says Maykuty Tuhu.
Yatakulo Willianz left the interior of São Paulo to try one of the vacancies in the health field He wants to use the teachings of Unicamp, if he is approved, to take care of other Indians where he lives.
He brought his wife and two young daughters to the city where Unicamp's largest campus is located. They will stay in student housing while he undergoes the Unicamp test.
"Not to miss me," he concludes during a trip with Pará's parents to the interior of São Paulo.
There are 610 registered aboriginals for 72 places in 27 courses. The most controversial is the nurse, with 95 candidates per position. The triple of the vestibular joint, which had the selective process of the first phase on November 18.
And the exams will have 50 questions and will not include topics like literature or foreign languages.
"This is a different proof because we must value the culture and knowledge of indigenous peoples," said the vestibular coordinator José Alves de Freitas Neto.
The tests will be applied this Sunday in Campinas, São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Amazonia, Dourados (MS), Manaus (AM) and Recife (PE).
The process of exclusive selection of indigenous peoples does not involve a second phase, as in the traditional vestibular. This is happening, according to Comvest, for logistical reasons and also because of the reduced competition from the indigenous vestibular, which distributes the first "sieve".
Unlike traditional vestibular testing, which involves 90 multiple-choice questions during the first phase, evaluation of the aboriginal vestibular comprises 50 questions and one essay. Students have five hours to take the test. "It's a more straightforward entrance exam, from the point of view of language and the size of the questions, if not the problems," explains Freitas Neto.
The aboriginal vestibular test does not acquire knowledge in English. Indeed, Unicamp understands that most native speakers have the language of the communities to which they belong. The evidence in Portuguese is already considered a second language learning effort. "As we do, when we test in another language, regardless of our fluency, we encounter difficulties – if it is simpler, the more it will be clear," said coordinator Comvest.
The aboriginal vestibular does not collect from the candidates of knowledge on a list of literary works obligatory for literature, such as the clbadical vestibular, which requires the knowledge of 14 literary works. "It's a vestibule that will require more reasoning than information about the content," says Freitas Neto.
According to Comvest, the educational experience of the native having his peculiarities, specific vestibular issues will also seek to follow this context. "During the test, the Indian will discuss topics more related to his experience and culture, and will provide evidence of his logical reasoning, knowledge, reading and interpretation, but always guided by his experience cultural and academic "explains the coordinator.
1. Performance Criteria
In both selective processes, Unicamp intends to evaluate candidates' performance according to six criteria: expressing themselves clearly; organize your ideas; build relationships; interpret data and facts; develop hypotheses and demonstrate mastery of the content of the areas of knowledge developed in high school. On this last point, Comvest stresses that the same content is taken into account in both tests.
2. The proof in Portuguese
The proof of both entrance exams is in Portuguese, although it is expected that some of the candidates will have the mother tongue as their mother tongue. For example, the majority of those registered in the special process come from São Gabriel da Cachoeira, a city with four official languages.
As in the traditional entrance examination, Unicamp relies on the support of people from each of the cities where the exam takes place to facilitate its application. In the Indian vestibular will not be different. Only in São Gabriel da Cachoeira, an Amazonian municipality that has concentrated most of the registrations, 20 agents will be trained to work as flight inspectors and auxiliaries, inspectors and building managers.
Both badessments also resemble the rigorous security system applied to the test. Both the process of developing the questions and the logistics of preparing the evidence are kept secret.
Students who submit to the Aboriginal selection process will be required to follow the same rules as candidates for the general selection process. Students are advised to arrive at the evaluation site in advance as their entry after the start of the test will not be allowed. The notice also prohibits the use of cell phones or any other electronic equipment, digital clocks, patches of any kind, pencils, markers, bandannas / scarves, caps, caps, caps or any other strange material.
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