Uber starts operating in Campos do Jordão and taxi drivers bill regulations | Winter 2018 in the valley and the Paraíba region


The service was announced by the company last Monday (25). According to Uber, they have started capturing drivers to take care of the city in the last few weeks and it is possible to request service. The minimum price for shopping in the city is R $ 6.75.

For the calculation of the race, the application starts the course with a base value of R $ 2 and includes R $ 1.10 for each kilometer run. At the end of the race, he always loads the pilot's time, including $ 0.20 per minute.

In the area, Uber already attends Taubaté, Pindamonhangaba and São José dos Campos – where they are regulated by prefectures. The service network in these municipalities is extended to the area surrounding the base area. In Taubaté, for example, vehicles registered in the company also serve Tremembé and reinforce the Caçapava network, as well as the drivers of São José dos Campos.

In Campos do Jordão, the idea is that the cars of the city also meet the environment, in municipalities like São Bento do Sapucaí and Santo Antônio do Pinhal. For races longer than 14 kilometers, an additional R $ 0.40 will be added to the reference value, ranging from R $ 1.10 to R $ 1.50.

After Uber revealed the operation, a group of taxi drivers was at Town Hall to demand that the government put rules to the application of the application, including the limit of drivers. They consider that the service will be unfair competition – the taxi fare, in normal hours, is $ 4 per kilometer. There are 150 taxi drivers registered in the city.

"It's going to hurt us, since they [Ubers] are asking for less and not paying taxes like us, we want the city council to limit the number of drivers and set rules. we adapt, but we want to at least balance, "said taxi driver Jose Delciano, who represents a group of taxi drivers.

By note, the mayor reported that the service is provided for in federal legislation, but that it will regulate the operation in the city by setting parameters. He said that a bill is being drafted and will be sent to the House in the coming weeks.

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