US Government Freezes Assets of Venezuelan State Oil Company | World


The Venezuelan oil company, PDVSA, can no longer transfer the money and badets that it has invested in the United States. This is because the US government issued a decision Monday blocking the badets of the Venezuelan state company in the country.

The sanctions were announced by US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, and also prohibit Americans from doing business with PDVSA.

This decision is a further step in the pressure exerted by the United States on Nicolás Maduro, who is facing a political crisis in his country after the President of the National Assembly, Juan Guaídó, declared himself a member of Parliament. is declared acting president.

The United States, as well as several countries, have recognized Mr. Guaidó as President of Venezuela. But the head of PDVSA, controlled by the Venezuelan government, reiterated his support for Maduro.

"The United States will continue to use all diplomatic and economic tools to support interim President Juan Guaidó in the National Assembly and the efforts of the Venezuelan people to restore democracy." Mnuchin.

The measure tends to exert even stronger pressure on Venezuela's economy, which depends heavily on oil exports.

The effects of this decision on the price of a barrel in the United States are still expected, Venezuela being one of the four largest exporters of the product to the United States. 6% of crude oil purchased by Americans comes from Venezuela.

Guaidó ignores Maduro and wants nominations

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Juan Guaidó [photo: Carlos Garcia Rawlins / Reuters]said Wednesday (23) the interim president of Venezuela, said in a statement that he had ordered to the National Assembly appointing new directors to PDVSA and Citgo – the US subsidiary of the company.

Guaidó's decision ignores the position of PDVSA president Manuel Quevedo, who is a military man and also heads the Chavista government's oil ministry. Last Wednesday, shortly after the statement by the opposition president, Quevedo reiterated his support for Nicolás Maduro.

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