US lawyers sue Vale Mining Company


The Vale mining company was the subject of two similar lawsuits in the United States in 2015 following the Samarco accident in Mariana, in the state of Minas Gerais

An action was instituted in the Brooklyn District of in New York on the night of Monday, 28 (28), day of the collapse of shares of the mining company at 24.5 % on the Brazilian Stock Exchange, which represents a loss greater than R $ And the Chief Financial Officer, Luciano Siani Luciano Siani and the Chief Financial Officer, Luciano Siani [19659003] At least three other law firms of the United States announced their intention to sue the Vale .

Legal action seeks compensation for losses caused to investors by the Brumadinho mining dam accident in the Belo Horizonte metropolitan area last Friday

] The offices of Schall Law Firm; from Los Angeles; and Wolf Popper and Bronstein, Gewirtz & Grossman say they are going to court to recover the losses, reports the "Estadão".

On Friday, Vale's ADRs (a type of stock) plummeted by 8% on the New York Stock Exchange. Fitch rating agency downgraded Vale's credit rating from BBB + to BBB- in foreign currency and put the note under observation for a possible [new cut]

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