
The Minister of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services, Marcos Jorge de Lima (Arquivo / Agencia Brasil)
"We must observe later how will include steel exports.Until now we have managed to maintain the average US steel exports.Brazil has a reduced quota for the finished product [aço] which is housed at the However, we must observe how shipments will behave until December. "
In June, Brazil exported $ 622 million worth of iron and semi-finished steel, nearly double the $ 312 million sold in the same month. from last year. Exports of steel and iron pipes totaled US $ 161 million, compared to US $ 156 million in June 2017.
To avoid the 25% surtax on steel, Brazil negotiated with the United States based on the average volume exported from 2015 to 2017. The export limit for semi-finished steel (such as blocks and slabs), used as an input by steelmakers Americans, will be 100% of this average. For finished products (long steel, flat steel, stainless steel and tubes), the quota will be 70% of this amount.
Boundaries came into effect on June 1. Brazil was not able to negotiate export quotas for aluminum, which was then increased by 10%.
According to the minister, during the first month of US trade barriers, there was no above-average entrance. rolled steel from Russia and China to Brazil. According to the Minister, this indicates that up to now, steel production that has stopped entering the United States has not yet been diverted to the Brazilian market.
"We suspended the anti-dumping duties [punição para países que vendem abaixo do custo de produção] for these products [da Rússia e da China] .The suspension was accompanied by the control of the imports of these products [pelo Brasil] but, until now, we have not had any [punição para países que vendem abaixo do custo de produção] have not seen the growth of purchases, "explained Lima
In the first half, 7% compared to the first six months of last year. Brazil recorded a record in shipments of iron ore, soybean, soybean meal and cellulose, but the meat was not repeated because it was affected by several health and commercial embargoes [19659012]. carried by 32.9% in value and 19.1% in volume. According to the Foreign Trade Secretary of the Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services, Abram Neto, most of the fall is due to the Russian embargo, in force since last November. Chicken exports in natura decreased by 17.4% in value and by 10.8% in volume, mainly because of the embargoes of the European Union, Saudi Arabia and the anti-dumping tariff imposed by China. Only beef increased exports this year: + 3% in value and + 7.1% in volume
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