USP researchers discover a new species of hairdresser transmitting Chagas disease | Rondônia


A new barber species, an insect that transmitted Chagas disease, was found in Rondônia. Researchers discovered Rhodnius montenegrensis in Monte Negro (RO) in the Jamari Valley. The research conducted by Dr. Luis Marcelo Aranha Camargo, of the University of São Paulo (USP), was published this year and could fund new studies on the disease and its control.

"The first novelty is the description of this new barber, who did not exist in the past, was unknown to science." The discovery was published showing that most of the barbers who are here are infected by Trypanosoma cruzi who is the transmitter of Chagas' disease, "explains the researcher.

The Object of the Study was found in Monte Negro, but according to experts, it can be found anywhere in the state, especially in babbadu and bacuri palms, according to biologist Flávio Terrbadini, the new species found has many similarities with the hairdresser already known

"They look a lot like other hairdressers already cataloged in the area. They all belong to a genus called Rhodnius, . They love to live in babbadu palms, they feed on blood and have a nocturnal home. So sometimes, near our residence, they come looking for food, they can come suck the blood of a chicken, a pig, a pet and enter our residence. Then you have to be very careful. Any sign or similar symptom Chagas disease should seek a hospital as soon as possible, "says biologist Terbadini.

  A new species of hairdresser was found inside the Rondônia - Photo: Adriana Benatti Bilheiro / Journal of the USP / Reproduction <img clbad = "picture content-media__image" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "New species of barber was found inside Rondônia – Photo: Adriana Benatti Bilheiro / Journal of the USP / A new species of hairdresser was found inside Rondônia – Photo: Adriana Benatti Bilheiro / Journal of USP / Reproduction "data-src =" https : // 1280×520 / 984×0 / smart / filters: strip_icc () / i.s3. Species of barber found inside Rondônia – Photo: Adriana Benatti Bilheiro / Jornal da USP / Reproduction

The study eats in 2012 and has generated a scientific article published in the Brazilian Journal of Tropical Medicine and in international journals. For the researcher USP, this discovery could mean a breakthrough in the fight against the disease.

"If we can correctly define the habits of this new barber, his distribution, what he feeds and verify the potential of transmission, we can, with the responsible authorities, develop measures and that it was not a disease in the Amazon region, in the north of the country, but in the south-east and northeast, and that the profile of this disease had changed.people must be willing to increase, and scientific knowledge are the first step towards this confrontation, "concludes Luís Aranha.

Chagas disease has no cure and its main form of contamination is from dietary sources. The barber is attracted to light houses and can fall into containers and be crushed or crushed with food. In this type of contamination, the disease manifests itself more severely.

Chagas disease has two phases, the first acute, occurring between one week and 15 days after infection and may be confused with other febrile illnesses such as malaria, dengue fever or influenza.

The place where the parasite deposits the stool and the urine becomes swollen and reddish. In this acute phase, many people can die of meningoencephalitis and myocarditis.

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