Vaccination against brucellosis goes up to August 15, according to Iagro The National Agency for Animal, Plant and Animal Health (Iagro) extended vaccination against FMD until July 30 and against brucellosis for 15 days



Vaccination against foot-and-mouth disease was prolonged from August. Portaria No. 3.601, signed by the Director-President, Luciano Chiochetta, was published in the State Gazette edition 9.684.

The decision was based on demand from rural Pantbad producers, where one of the largest floods of the decade occurs. The measure is exceptional, given the difficulties of handling livestock during the flood period, which forced the Corumba Pantbad to move more than one million animals to now.

The President of the Rural Union of Luciano Leite estimates that another 300,000 will be withdrawn from the regions of Jacadigo and Nabileque in July. The Corumbá herd is the largest in the state, with two million heads. "Extension is a way to meet Iagro standards in the health sector, given the difficulties of reuniting livestock with the arrival of waters in areas further south, where we expect a strong flood of the Paraguay River. badociated with the floods of Tucavaca (Bolivia) ", explains the ruralist leader.

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