Vaccination against influenza will be open for the population from Monday to Campo Grande | Mato Grosso do Sul


The remaining doses of the flu vaccine will be offered to the entire population of Campo Grande as early as Monday (2), according to the Municipal Health Secretariat (Sesau). On average, 220 doses are available in each basic health office (UBS and UBSF), which is expected to open at 13:00.

Whoever must be vaccinated must submit the vaccination card, the health card number and the SUS card. As for the professionals who will apply the dose, Sesau said that they can distribute pbadwords. The vaccination will be closed at 16:45.

This Saturday (30) and Sunday (1) are the last days that the at-risk group, as well as children 5 to 9 years old and adults 50 to 59 years old, can be vaccinated against influenza in the capital city.

Doses are available at Nova Bahia Regional Health Centers (CRS), Aero Rancho, Tiradentes and Coophavilla II. In all areas, the rooms will be open from 19:15 to 22:45 and from 13:00 to 16:45.

Sesau vaccinated a total of 96.78% of the target population of Campo Grande during the vaccination campaign, exceeding the target of 90% set by the Ministry of Health up to the 20 this month, 191,453 vaccinated at-risk group, estimated at 197,820.

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