Venezuela maintains diphtheria epidemic reinforcing risk alert for Brazil – News


As with measles, which has been eliminated since 2016, there is a risk of reintroduction of diphtheria into the country, a disease considered controlled in Brazil, according to pediatrician Juarez Cunha, president of the Brazilian Society of Immunization ( SBIm)

"The disease is virtually controlled in Brazil The big problem is the widespread circulation of the virus in a neighboring country.Brazil has a low immunization coverage, of about 80%, lower than the current one. 95% goal. "

The country recorded a case of diphtheria in Pernambuco last year and two in 2017, according to the Ministry of Health. Health.

According to the state Department of Health, the state of Roraima, on the border with Venezuela, has reported no cases this year this year. Since 2016, five suspected cases have been reported, but only one has been confirmed.

The Ministry points out that the number of cases of diphtheria has declined in the number of cases of diphtheria in the region of Venezuela since the 1990s due to the extension of vaccination coverage. "During this decade, the incidence reached 0.45 per 100,000 population, but it decreased as coverage increased," he said in a note

. killed 270 on V enezuela

According to a bulletin published Wednesday by the World Health Organization (WHO), an epidemic of the disease in Venezuela would have started in July 2016.

1 559 cases have been registered in 2016. until January of this year, of which 270 resulted in death. The highest incidence occurs between 15 and 19 years of age. "Due to Venezuela's socio-economic situation, immunization coverage in this country is very low and all diseases, including immunoprevenivals, are resurfacing," said Cunha.

According to WHO, four countries in the Americas reported cases of this disease last year: Brazil, Colombia, Haiti and Venezuela.

The Roraima Department of Health stated that control of the disease on the border with Venezuela is due to a prevention plan carried out in Pacaraima, a city bordering the country. "Venezuelans entering Brazil for Pacaraima are vaccinated," the briefing said in a note.

"Every 15 days, a new shipment of vaccines is sent to the site, which can also be done in a shorter period of time, depending on the demand of the teams working in the area."

The doctor emphasizes the importance of paying attention to indigenous peoples, who are considered more vulnerable to disease, who live in the region. According to him, this group should follow the national vaccination schedule.

Diphtheria is less contagious than measles

Diphtheria is less contagious than measles, according to Cunha. "Both diseases are transmitted through the respiratory tract and can become serious or even fatal, but viral infections, such as measles, have a higher potential for transmission than bacterial infections such as diphtheria. there have been nearly 11,000 cases of measles in Brazil, "he said.

More: Five reasons that lead to measles and polio

According to him, the most effective form of prevention of diphtheria is the vaccine. A problem that affects immunization coverage is the large number of doses needed for vaccination, according to the doctor.

Three doses are needed at 2, 4 and 6 months of life of the triple bacterin (DTC), which protects against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus. At 1 year and 3 months, the child should take the first strengthening and at age 4, the second. From then on, it will take a supplement every 10 years for the rest of life, so-called double adult (tetanus and diphtheria), according to the chairman of SBIM.

"There is a culture of vaccination in children, but" If this bacteria starts to circulate in our environment, we will have a large part of the susceptible population, "he says.

Vaccination units are available in the Units of Health (BHU) throughout the country. "The national vaccination program was launched in Brazil in the 1970s. Those who are 48 years old were therefore vaccinated in their childhood, but they do not do it every ten years, they are no longer protected ""

It is said that the booster vaccine every ten years saves the body's immune memory.

The disease is potentially serious, but the treatment is simple

Diphtheria is a disease caused by a bacterium that settles in the tonsils, pharynx, larynx and nose, causing difficulties respiratory. It is spread by direct contact, through droplets eliminated by coughing, sneezing and speech.

The main symptom is the appearance of greyish membranes in the tonsils, as well as a hoarse cough, fever, sore throat, discomfort, runny nose and swollen glands.

The diagnosis is established by means of a physical examination and can be confirmed by a culture examination performed with the amygdala plaques.According to the pediatrician, the treatment is considered simple, performed with antibiotics.It is necessary to isolate the patient in hospital and people who have been in contact with the infected person will also need to be evaluated

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