Victory Case: A couple suspected of involvement in the death of the girl is charged with manslaughter | Sorocaba and Jundiaí


Bruno Marcel de Oliveira and Mayara Borges de Abrantes were temporarily arrested for 30 days on Friday morning (29).

  • See what is known about crime
  A couple arrested was suspected of being involved in a crime that killed a girl, Vitória Gabrielly, in Araçariguama (SP) (Photo: TV TEM / Reproduction) to be involved in the crime that killed daughter Victoria Gabrielly in Araçariguama (SP) (photo: TV TEM / reading)   was arrested suspected to be involved in (Photo: TV TEM / Reproduction)

Couple was arrested suspected to be env (19659006) In addition to the couple, Júlio Cesar Lima Ergesse is also held temporarily. Julius was arrested on June 15 suspected of killing Victoria. He was also charged with manslaughter.

According to the General Investigations Office (DIG) delegate, Acácio Leite, the suspects are formally charged. "Today, the three people, Julio, Bruno and Mayara, are part of the police investigation, and have been indicted as the perpetrators of the. Temporary crime, and order the preventive detention, which must last until the investigation ", explains Leite.

The couple was arrested Friday morning (29) at home in the district Três Lagoinhas, in Mairinque (SP). The Mason's servant has been in jail since June 15. All three were charged with manslaughter.

One of the technical reports requested by the police indicated the daughter's DNA under the law. Mason's nail The police are waiting for other reports to advance the investigation.

The defense lawyer of the couple Bruno and Mayara, Jairo Coneglian, informed the G1 Saturday that he had filed an application for revocation of the prison of his clients. [Une fille est portée disparue depuis le 8 juin à Araçariguama (SP)] (Photo: TV TEM / Reproduction) "A girl is brought missing since June 8 in Araçariguama (SP)) "src =" data: image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAAOABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAFQABAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABQb / xAAVAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABP / aAAwDAQACEAMQAAABBmHUV8 + LRx6P / 8QAHBAAAgIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwQFBgABAhMU / 9oACAEBAAEFAnJI8fWOOpV1SHYI7D + eO8bPSEhnFXawiQJ / o3n / xAAaEQEAAQUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAMEERIh / 9oACAEDAQE / AbanuKxcPZ // xAAZEQACAwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDERL / 2gAIAQIBAT8BslmE10kf / 8QAJBAAAQMCBQUBAAAAAAAAAAAAAgABAwQSBREhIjEQE0FRcbH / 2gAIAQEABj8CwiaB2EpLwPTnJ0dWJj2x M6xeGU3OwAmHPxu1XCw72FSY + / q2mOdr2u7cKtAnFwlpJB6f / 8QAHRAAAgEFAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAREAITFBUWFxgf / aAAgBAQABPyFkYMaWEfYgDUbwcBisTHIEIfFFisoVCdK B1 / UGzTsK3AIk2DGOThP / 2gAMAwEAAgADAAAAEPA // 8QAGhEAAgIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAREAIVGB8P / aAAgBAwEBPxA7ghgq + 1HYj EABwRAQABBAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAESExUZGx8P // / // aAAgBAgEBPxB2BzTqKjVvcz xAAf EAEAAgICAgMAAAAAAAAAAAABESEAQTFhEFFx4fD / 2gAIAQEAAT8QiGmkoiIgYSSzQYIQpTRJArMN7TeHIIt1QgUqk9Gfg / eHsC01Jar4we6esmjS4XivWHC8HJBmRwvwf // Z "/>   daughter has been missing since June 8 in Araçariguama (SP) (Photo: Missing since June 8 in Araçariguama (SP) (Photo: TV TEM / Reproduction)

A girl is missing Since June 8 in Araçariguama (SP) (Photo: TV TEM / Reproduction)

Coneglian has finished that he will go to court next week with a request for reconsideration of the arrest of the couple. According to the lawyer, with the result of DNA involving Julius, he says that he exempts his clients from the crime.

"In the report of Júlio [suspeito que está preso] appeared remnants of the skin of the girl, then the story changed.There is no indication against the couple," says l & # 3939; The couple's lawyer

The police demanded that the couple be arrested after sniffing dogs reported that Bruno was in the area where Victoria Gabrielly had been found dead. (Photo: Jomar Bellini / TEM TV) "title =" Itupeva watchdogs were used during house searches of the couple suspected to be involved in Victoria's death (Photo: Jomar Bellini / TEM TV) "src =" data: image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAAOABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAFQABAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABwb / xAAVAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACBP / aAAwDAQACEAMQAAABilYfvCj5gFmQVf / EABwQAAICAgMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEAgUAARUWNP / aAAgBAQABBQIQy2W7mgkvAhRza6PSYHzVhJvqojk5dc01n EABkRAAMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEDEQAEI // // // aAAgBAwEBPwGU3JQzoHmLN EABcRAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECACH / 2gAIAQIBAT8BXmtIrf / EACgQAAIBAgQDCQAAAAAAAAAAAAECAwARBBITITEzoUNRUmGRktHh8P / aAAgBAQAGPwKeNTlAXu81v0NKzSqYrRQkt6ZjvWMwudZOGR13Fvxrmv7vqtaUsEueU1moNHjJ9NXCGOX5vvWpCq55p3tqHw2Ndn1r / 8QAIBABAQACAQMFAAAAAAAAAAAAAREAITEQQVFhgcHR8P / aAAgBAQABPyEWrTvvlDhPFKkSegEguGdA2tTXu8 g3HDWtLx45DG8SIGm0X4GCSd6oFFhtc + / Y + 2f / 2gAMAwEAAgADAAAAEFVf / 8QAGhEAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATEAEWEh4f / aAAgBAwEBPxCtgP2Huh0BpkbP / 8QAGxEBAAICAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAREhAFFBweH / 2gAIA QIBAT8QhAUHlb4x5NDuehz / xAAbEAEBAAMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAABEQAhMUFhEP / aAAgBAQABPxA / Zgialo4EYlODsPhiv22AKg 9OYDLYro4pWAl338MQCs0D0EPhU0bMXwF1aEIQE2eZFewe + veSy315K / PE // Z "/>   Dogs of Itupeva guard were used to search the house of the couple suspected of & # 39; to be involved in the death of Victoria ( Photo: Jomar Bellini / TEM TV) "title =" The dogs of the guard Itupeva were used to search the house of the suspect of involvement in the death of Vitoria (Photo: Jomar Bellini / TV TEM) "data-src = " o-DhojvYWbkDA = / 0x0: 982x560 / 984x0 / intelligent / filters: strip_icc () / R / a / RQFPiHQj6CIE7XDmaadA / caes-de-guardada </source></source></source></source></source></picture> </div>
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The dogs of Itupeva Guards were used for the research of guinea pigs. (Photo: Jomar Bellini / TV TEM)

The arrest of Mayara was requested because their statements are contradictory and both were summoned by Julio Cesar to be with the girl the day she disappeared.

Julio Cesar does not have a lawyer. The Mason's servant gave six different versions during the testimony to the police.

According to the delegate of the Bureau of General Investigations (DIG), Acácio Leite, the DNA report of the girl under the nails of Julio Cesar Lima Ergesse left no doubt about his participation in the crime.

"This report showed the presence of the victim's genetic material in the hands of the suspect, which gives us the certainty that there was a physical shock between the two," explains the delegate.

Still according to Milk, there was an effective participation of Julius in the murder. "He had contact with her, there was a reaction from her, which we believe happened, that was part of that reaction."

Victory Gabrielly disappeared in the afternoon of June 8 when she left to skate. A security camera recorded the girl in the street on the day of the disappearance (See video below) .

<img clbad = "content-video__placeholder__thumb" src = "" alt = "Security cameras strike a girl before disappearing in Araçariguama

] The girl was found

<img clbad = "content-video__placeholder__thumb" src = "" alt = "Security cameras hit the girl before to disappear in Araçariguama [title="SecurityCamerasfindagirlwhohadtoappearinAraçariguama"whodiedmorethan16daysagoinaforestafteranattackintheareaof​​CaxambuinAraçariguamaStateofSaoPaolo

According to the police, the girl had her hands and feet tied and her body tied to a tree. Vitoria wore the same clothes as she wore the day she disappeared and the skates were found near the body.A 19659032. The death of the girl moved the city of Araçariguama, who mobilized for the 2.000 people participated

Case of Vitoria: Victory Case: The Victory case refers to the DNA of a suspect trapped in the nails of the murdered girl.

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