Vivo is boycotted after a game with several titles Palmeiras


Vivo has managed to irritate one of the noisiest groups in Brazilian society: football fans. A video in which an executive of the operator makes a joke with the number of national titles of Palmeiras sufficiently viralized and annoyed by the fans, who initiated a boycott movement that shot at the top of Twitter's tendencies with the hashtag #BoicoteVivo [19659002] The video was recorded in an internal presentation of Vivo, according to the company itself. The material shows a demonstration of the Aura Virtual Assistant, created to badist customers with Vivo's services. To play, the following question is asked: "Will, how many Brazilian titles Palmeiras?", Described as "the biggest puzzle of Brazil today" and "a question to which nobody seems to know how to answer".

Questioned, the badistant gives the answer which irritated the palmeirenses. "Sorry, I can not answer you There are cases where mathematics does not seem to make sense."

While @vivobr does not retract because of this video, #BoicoteVivo [19459006PourceuxquinesontpasdanslemondedufootballledébatsurlenombredetitresnationauxdePalmeirasestenflamméLechampionnatbrésilienacommencéàêtredisputéen1971maisavantluiilyavaitd'autrestournoisd'envergurenationaleEn2010laCBF(Confédérationbrésiliennedefootball)adécidéd'unifierlestitresPalmeirasquiaremportésixfoisleBrasileãos'estvuattribuerquatreautrestitrescequiaveclaréalisationde2018faitaveccenombreatteignant10Palmeirensesetsesrivauxontjusqu'àprésentlégitimélesquatrechampionnatsajoutésaucompteduclub[19659002] In making the joke with " maths that do not make sense, "Vivo fundamentally reinforces the arguments. rivals, who often make jokes like "it does not make sense to celebrate the championship without celebrating the penta, hexa, hepta and octa."

It's not for nothing that Palmeirense supporters were very angry, initiating the boycott move Many Twitter users reported that they were looking for mobile phone packages at home. other operators, such as Claro, TIM and Oi, some even claiming that their lines could be transferred to competitors.

Vivo's statement about it regretted occurred, but does not say when the video was recorded or who the employee is on the scene. "Vivo informs that the video in question, extracted from an internal presentation of the company and reproduced out of context, does not represent the opinion of its president or the company.Vivo apologizes to those who feel offended and reiterates his respect for the Sociedade Esportiva Palmeiras and his followers. "

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