Vivo Nex Retractable Camera Raises Even Without Open Camera Application


When he launched the Nex phone, the Chinese manufacturer Vivo found a very different place to put the front camera of the smartphone. It is hidden in the body of the device and is raised by a mechanical mechanism only when the user wants to take a picture.

But the owners of Vivo Nex in China have encountered a problem with this solution: does the retractable camera mount even without any open camera application. One of the users posted on the Internet a photo of the smartphone activating the camera for a few seconds by the time he opened a conversation in the Telegram email application. Another person showed the same thing when accessing a travel site in Tencent's QQ browser.

<img src = "" alt = "Asked, Tencent explained that this happened because of the Android Camera API. According to the company, the browser has camera access to perform certain functions, such as reading a QR code, and the operating system requires that 39; it is momentarily activated to send this information to the application.

Vivo even talked about the case, stating that he strictly manages the permissions of each application and that any unnecessary authorization is disabled by default There does not seem to be a definitive solution to this problem, but some users have indicated that this could even be considered a good thing.After all, the retractable mechanism allows you to know what time the camera of your smartphone is activated.

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