A month of dating. All very intense and that feeling that love overcomes any adversity. What Jennifer Oliveira never imagined was going through such a painful situation. At dawn on Saturday (23), the actress was attacked by boyfriend Douglas Sampaio. Two days later, with her body full of bruises, she complained to the 16th Rio police station in Barra da Tijuca and denounced the badault on social networks
"I did not still digested everything that happened and I do not understand it either.It is very bad to be beaten and the one who runs through it knows how much it hurts.It bothers you a lot. listen: "I love you" and this same person has the courage to attack you .In addition to physical, the aggression is also emotional and can no longer remain calm, "said the actress from 19 years to UOL .
She plays the flora of "Malhação – Vidas Brasileiras" Jeniffer showed in social networks the marks of the badaults that he said he had suffered from Douglas