A month of dating. All very intense and that feeling that love overcomes any adversity. What Jennifer Oliveira never imagined was going through such a painful situation. At dawn on Saturday (23), the actress was attacked by boyfriend Douglas Sampaio. Two days later, with her body full of bruises, she complained to the 16th Rio police station in Barra da Tijuca and denounced the badault on social networks
"I did not still digested everything that happened and I do not understand it either.It is very bad to be beaten and the one who runs through it knows how much it hurts.It bothers you a lot. listen: "I love you" and this same person has the courage to attack you .In addition to physical, the aggression is also emotional and can no longer remain calm, "said the actress from 19 years to UOL .
She plays the flora of "Malhação – Vidas Brasileiras" Jeniffer showed in social networks the marks of the badaults that he said he had suffered from Douglas
Image: Reproduction / Instagram
Winner of the reality show "The Farm" in 2015 Douglas Sampaio Jennifer has swore that she did not know much about her boyfriend
and I only discovered things slowly, but I thought her versions, she was in love, "remembers
"We perceive the signs of e who is at our side, but does not want to see. First it started with a shout, he went to the curses, a finger in the face until the physical aggression came. She did not even hit me, but he kept me tight and shook me, "Jennifer explained.
At first she decided not to talk to anyone and not to report her ex-boyfriend, but she changed her mind. "I have been very shaken and I do not sleep to record and as I have incredible friends, on the premises and on the outside, I have received a lot of support. came from my mother, my businesswoman, my counselor and the girls who work with me. "

Before publicizing the attack and going to the police station Jennifer found it preferable to talk with the "It's a touchy subject because there's still a very big taboo about aggression against women." There's this thing we're guilty of and that in my specific case, I already knew his past, my fear was to become a big loser, "she says.
She was i Reiterated by the video that Douglas had published by denying the allegation of aggression. "He is trying to reach me and everyone who is by my side, he posted a video talking about nonsense about me, but it's already gone, it's sad to fight someone I thought you liked me. "
Instagram, Douglas called Jennifer a "liar" and finished, "None of this has happened, so much that I'm going to prove it." I have evidence, witnesses, that I'm not sure. she was organizing a fight there and I defended her, I got her out of the fight. (19659002) According to the lawyer who defends the actor, Silvio Guerra, Douglas will testify on Tuesday next (2) and one of the proofs that he guarantees to have are the images of the internal circuit of a restaurant, where the ex-couple has spent the night. "We are waiting for the 39, arrival footage of the cameras of the establishment, as requested by the police authority. "Douglas denies any aggression," says the lawyer.
Jennifer has not dated the deposition yet. She also said that for the moment she has not asked for protective measures against Douglas and that her thought is now to follow life. "I'm focused on work and I focused on things that are important to me: I was in a very intense relationship and I started prioritizing things that were not priorities, I want to go back to a normal life. "
with Rayanne Morais, but did not want to go into details. "We had a very good conversation, it was just what I'm going through now."
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