We will no longer allow Paulo Freire to be exiled. By Maria Izabel Noronha


Jair Bolsonaro and Paulo Freire. Photo: Reproduction


The Folha diary of S.Paulo published this Sunday (6) published an article on the harmful intentions of the government of Jair Bolsonaro in "erase" the work of the Brazilian education system of Paulo Freire, for having attributed to him the cause of all the deficiencies of our education.

As a teacher, I feel that it is my duty to start with a statement: neither Bolsonaro nor his children and his Minister of Education does not have a child. read the work of Paulo Freire

Criticize something without even knowing: it's ideology! And Bolsonaro tries to deceive society by claiming to want "a country free of ideological ties".

If they finally read the work of Paulo Freire, they do not understand anything. If they did, "free from any ideological link", they could form a more free judgment.

Let's see what Folha says about Paulo Freire:

1. There are 72,359 quotes from Pedagogy of the Oppressed, a clbadic that has reached the age of 50, recorded by Google Scholar, a research tool for academic literature in English

. According to this tool, Pedagogia do Oprimido is the 99th most cited book in the world and Freire is the only Brazilian author among the 100 most cited.

3. The book The Pedagogy of the Oppressed is also the second most cited book in the world of education, in English.

The Paulo Freire Method is the intangible heritage of our education and culture. Wanting to attribute to the work and influence of Paulo Freire a so-called "indoctrination" of students is ridiculous and reveals both ignorance and bad faith. and students (of all ages and levels) as holders of knowledge and experiences exchanged as part of the educational process. Therefore, it does not confer on the educator the role of "teacher", nor the education of the state of consciousness to handle.

Rejecting the Freirian Method, which also recognizes the learner's role as protagonist, doctrinal, imposed from top to bottom

The problems of Brazilian education are diverse:

1. Schools and teachers have disappeared. Education professionals are poorly paid.

2. Existing public schools are precarious and incompatible with the educational requirements of the contemporary world. Many look like prisons.

3. In the 21st century, not all educational units have broadband internet.

4. There is no public policy to prevent violence at school

5. Lack of libraries, laboratories, suitable and inviting areas for sport, culture and coexistence.


Finally, the real shortcomings of Brazilian education would give a gigantic list

I can say categorically: unfortunately, there is no excess On the contrary, if his methods and his Work had been fully applied over time, the training of our teachers would certainly be much better and our education would be at a level so superior that probably


Maria Izabel Noronha is the president of Apeoesp, the United States Union of America and the United States of America. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) public network of the State of São Paulo.

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