WhatsApp has recently added new features, although many of them have been copied from other applications like Telegram. After all, who does not like being able to delete messages in the application, for example?
Still, the Facebook-controlled messenger still has a lot to do to improve. The transfer of messages between systems, more privacy, new themes, polls and many other features can be seen in some applications, but not yet in WhatsApp.
See also:
Below we list some features People still want to improve WhatsApp.
Old user request, WhatsApp to date has no queries If you remember more, just comment in the comment box -Dessous. Imagine how fewer messages you will receive if, by deciding where to go in a group of friends, would everyone simply vote for a polling option? Much better! The telegram has already been investigated for a long time.
Check your groups in WhatsApp and tell me: how many of them did you add because of an event? Well, the messenger could create the option of being added to events rather than groups within the app – just like you can create events on Facebook. The fewer groups there are, the better, is not it?
The WhatsApp interface has a long standardized style and there are few options for customizing it. application – you can, for example, change the screen background on the background of the conversations. Other applications, such as Telegram, are much more advanced and even allow the user to create his own theme in the application. WhatsApp could have at least a "dark mode" for those who like to rest their eyes.
Another factor that could decrease the absurd amount of messages we receive in the application would be to allow us to respond to the messages of others. Instead of making a comment in words, the reaction would say everything we think of the colleague's message (such as love, laughter, tears). Something like this already works in Messenger and Skype and is very useful on both platforms.
The internet connection to WhatsApp is totally dependent on the application: you have to be connected with your smartphone and the battery to be able to see the messenger on the computer. It would be much better if they were both independent, as is already the case with Messenger and Telegram. These WhatsApp instabilities were going to slow down a lot, right?
For a time, the functionality of sending payments to other contacts via WhatsApp has been promised, but nothing yet. The feature has been tested only in India in partnership with a local payment method. Telegram has accepted payments since May 2017. It is likely that WhatsApp will soon have the option of even encouraging WhatsApp Business.
You currently have several privacy options in WhatsApp. For example, you can enable an option that will not allow your contacts to see your last connection online. There is, however, no tool to prevent all contacts from seeing you are online right now – something like being invisible to others.
Pbadword / Numeric / Face Lock
Another Telegram option that WhatsApp could enable in its privacy options. In the rival application, it is possible to enter a pbadword to open the application – well, recognizing that they can have access to your mobile can not enter the messenger. You can now do it only with additional features on your phone or with the help of other apps.
If you have a WhatsApp on the Android system and you go to iOS (or vice versa), you will not be able to pbad all your messages from one operating system to another having only backups in the systems themselves. There are gambiarras and tutorials on the internet to do this, but they will not bring all the conversations and it is not clear if they are safe. WhatsApp could solve this problem.
End of Message Reminder Deleted
This is just another. We liked the ability to delete messages in WhatsApp, but this warning that appears after stating that a message has been deleted is quite embarrbading. Well, this app could end that.
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