Why Olavo de Carvalho is insulted by the military. By Miguel Enriquez


Olavo de Carvalho. Photo: Reproduction


Last week, the Bolsonarist world fell to dust. Not enough episodes such as the fiasco of "myth" in Davos, the patacoadas produced in cavalry doses by personalities like the priceless Minister of Women, Family and Human Rights , Damares Alves, and the vicissitudes of Senator Flávio Bolsonaro, investigated by the Coaf by illegal movements Guru Olavo de Carvalho's declaration of war is the responsibility of the soldiers who make up the government

The favorite targets of Olavo's diatribes are the generals Hamilton Mourão, Vice President. of the Republic and Augusto Heleno, head of the Institutional Security Bureau.

The first attack took place in a 15-minute video on Youtube, in which the former astrologer said he was shocked by the army's position on the decision of MP Jean Wyillys ( Psol-RJ) to give up his mandate, frightened by the threats to his life. On Wyllys, Mourão went so far as to say that "to threaten a deputy is a danger for democracy".

"Do not you feel ashamed, Helen?" Mourão, are not you ashamed to pull Jean Wyllys bag and do nothing for my defense? ", Fired Olavo, who also claims to have been threatened innumerable times in social networks.

There were also no curses against the position of generals on issues such as the fact that they were in danger. authorization to open a US military base in the country and the transfer of the embbady. "

The grandmother Donalda of bolonarism was particularly irritated by the meeting between Mourão and the ambbadador of Palestine, Ibrahim Alzeben, Monday, 28. "While the Israelis were helping the victims of the Brumadinho tragedy, Mourão exchanged kisses with the Palestinian delegation, promising that our embbady will not settle in Jerusalem", Olavo said about his Richmond shrine in the US state of Virginia.

But what should have irritated Olavo was the indifference with which Mourão reacted to his critics. "Who cares about Olavo's opinions?" He replied. It was too much for the ego of the guru Bolsominion, who replied that the general owed him his position in the government.

"You have acceded to your share of power taken hitch-hiking by a popular movement to which he has made no notable contribution and that, according to Bolsonaro himself, he was inspired by Olavo", was he said using the third person, as if it were peeled himself. "If you do not know who connects to Olavo's opinion, you do not know who's busy. "

Even for the Bolsonarist sanatorium, let's face it, Olavo de Carvalho's opening speech seems somewhat disproportionate and disproportionate to the magnitude of the divergences, which is intriguing. The dissatisfaction of Olavo de Carvalho seems to have been revealed in a report by journalist Igor Gielow, published in this Sunday edition of the Folha newspaper of S. Paulo.

Under the title "The Government Army puts Itamaraty under fire" guardianship. "According to the text," the military branch of the government promoted a kind of white intervention in Itamaraty and is now in charge of the movement of Chancellor Ernesto Araújo on matters considered sensitive – the crisis in Venezuela to come. "

Even the swans of the centenary lake Itamaraty Palace, in Rio de Janeiro, are bald of knowledge, Chancellor Araújo, is an invention of Olavo, of which has been an applied student, and forms with the Colombian Ricardo "Canibal", the Minister of Education, his main indications in the first stage of the government of Jair Bolsonaro.According to Folha, the Army discomfort at Araújo, an inexperienced diplomat who has never commanded an embbady nor held a prime position abroad, comes from the beginnings of the […] [19659004] They would have been particularly concerned with a recommendation of the Lima group to suspend co-operation with Nicolás Maduro's regime, underwritten by the current Chancellor, without any consultation with the armed forces

For the intelligence sector

Another point of friction is precisely the defense that Araújo, together with Bolsonaro, made following the army, is a serious mistake, because it is precisely the cooperation with his Venezuelan colleagues that holds the Brazilians informed by the Bolivarian government. of the installation of a US military base in the country, a heresy for Brazilian officers.

Before this proposal, some even suggested the dismissal of Araújo, which would be disastrous for the new government. Instead, we opted for the white intervention.

As a result, Araújo, who, according to Mourão, in an interview with Epoca magazine, "did not specify who he came from," he said. his profile, stopped saying nonsense and instead of defending a military intervention in Venezuela, he began working for an honorable exit for Maduro.

He also had to lower the ball with regard to the willingness to macaquear the United States and transfer the Brazilian embbady to Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Bolsonaro said insistently. Now, Araújo, an unconditional admirer of US President Donald Trump, says the subject is "in the making".

And, supreme humiliation, Araújo must pbadively follow the initiatives of Mourão, who has already received two delegations from Arab countries

The report concludes by showing the lack of appreciation – or even the disdain – reserved by the military to Araújo, starting with the project shared with Bolsonaro to "liberate the Itamaraty from the ideological."

Among them, for example, the unhindered speech of Araújo during the inauguration ceremony at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who did not miss quotes in tupi-guarani. Ditto for the article in which God attributes to the union between Bolsonaro and Olavo, the wounded angel.

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