With $ 1.3 billion waiting, workers have until Friday to withdraw their services PIS / Pasep – 27/12/2018 – Market


Nearly 2 million workers and officials throughout the country have until Friday (28) to withdraw the 2016 PIS / Pasep payment, according to data from the Ministry of Labor

. $ 1.3 billion.

Anyone from the private sector should turn to the federal savings bank. The consultation can be done in person, over the Internet or by phone at 0800-7260207.

The holder of the citizen card and the registered pbadword can receive the money at the lottery or at any point of service Caixa Aqui. It is also possible to withdraw money at the counters of the bank.

If you do not have a citizen card, the amount can be withdrawn in any branch.

For officials, the money is unblocked by Banco do Brasil, who also provides information in person, over the internet or by phone at 0800-7290001.

According to Ministry data. , the state with the largest number of professionals who have not yet withdrawn the money is São Paulo. A total of 410,500 workers or employees did not make this withdrawal.

The data also show that the government has already paid $ 16.7 billion to 22.7 million workers

in the Southeast, where 11.5 million are entitled to the amounts. 92.2% of the total have already withdrawn, but there is still money for 860,679.

The repayment period for the PIS / Pasep payment had expired in June of this year, but had been extended by a decision of Codefat (Council deliberative of the badistance fund for the workers)

There is now no forecast of additional carryover and the values ​​should remain with the government. You have the right to have money who was working with an official contract or was a civil servant during the 2016 base year, at least for 30 days.

To do this, you must have been enrolled in the program for at least five years and have received up to two minimum wages. on average

The amount paid is proportional to the number of work months and is between R $ 79.50 and R $ 954.

Caixa and Banco do Brasil also pay the 2017 PIS / Pasep – base, but there is an appropriate timetable for the publication of values.

This month, the values ​​are paid for people born in December.

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