Between 2007 and the first months of this year, there were 72,456 people injured in road crashes and 2,672 deaths. Only in 2018, from January to May, more than two thousand people were injured and 94 died
During the month in which Seca Law (Federal Law No. 11.705 / 2008) completed a decade of existence in Brazil, Lossanto Coronel, 58, was another victim of negligence in the traffic. He died after being hit by a car on Avenida Djalma Batista, Flores neighborhood, Zona Centro-Sul, last Sunday (24). The driver, Daniel Felipe Dias, 33, was drunk.
The latest surveillance of risk factors and protection against chronic diseases by phone (Vigitel), from the Ministry of Health (MOH), indicates that 9.6% of Manauarian drivers admit to driving vehicles under the control system. influence of alcoholic beverages.
The Seca law was aimed at equitably meeting a social demand for the reduction of traffic deaths by drunk drivers, who are the main cause of accidents, and considered the act of driving in a state of disrepair. Drunkenness, among others, as very serious. year before law enforcement, in 2007, 134 deaths were recorded in road accidents in Manaus. The following year, with the law already in force, the number of deaths was lower, 119. A decade later, in 2017, 235 deaths and in 2018, up to now, 95. An increase that, given the increase in population and fleet
Data from the State Department of Transit of Amazonas (Detran / AM) show that until May of this year 265 fines were applied by Seca law. Last year, they were 1,228. And since the law was sanctioned 10 years ago, nearly seven thousand fines have been issued in the capital of the Amazon.
During this period, the fleet of vehicles nearly doubled from 370,093 in 2008 to 698,549 until April of this year. year. And this also reflects the number of people injured in traffic, from 3360 in 2008 to 8938 in 2017.
In total, between 2007 and the first months of this year, there were 72,456 people injured in road accidents. traffic and 2,672 deaths. Only in 2018, from January to May, more than two thousand people were injured and 94 died. Last year, there were nearly nine thousand injured victims and 235 deadly casualties.
For the technical director of Detran / AM, Rodrigo Sá, the mixture of alcohol and speeding is fatal. Despite the high numbers, he says he has reduced the number of deaths by 30% between January and May compared to the same period in 2017. "We work with campaigns throughout the year, the prevention of retention and flash surveillance. But, if there is no consciousness of the population, the work of Detran-AM is useless, "he said.
Stricter sentences [19659010] Advertisement
Drivers under the influence of alcohol or other drugs that cause traffic deaths may take five to eight years in prison. severe or very serious, the driver can be imprisoned for two to five years.The federal law 13.546 / 2017, called "new law against drought", sanctioned in December 2017 by the acting President Michel Temer, came into force in April and made the legislation more rigid.
of the House (PLC) 144/2015, approved with amendments to the Senate in November 2016 and again with changes by the House.The PLC, drafted by MP Keiko Ota ( PSB-SP), amended the Brazilian Highway Code to characterize the involvement of a psychomotor driver impaired by the consumption of alcohol or drugs in a road accident resulting in serious or very serious bodily injury.
In the Amazon, the law should help reduce traffic accidents and deaths, according to delegate Luiz Humberto Monteiro, head of the Specialized Traffic Accidents Department (Deat)
"Legislation comes in the goal to reduce traffic accidents.We believe that a harsher law can prevent people from driving an alcoholic car.Before, with a shorter detention period, and a possibility of bail, the consequences were considered as light for someone who had committed such a crime. "
According to Amazonas Public Security Data (SSP-AM) 316 deaths were recorded in the traffic. However, as in the case of capital information, the data do not separate and indicate in which case the driver was under the influence of a prohibited substance, however, according to the delegate, c & d. Is the number that should reduce with the application of the new dry law. "Before, the law was more flexible and allowed people to think that the sentence would be light," said the delegate.
If the person drives a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or any other psychoactive substance that determines the addiction and the accident results in death, the imprisonment lasts from five to eight years and the suspension or prohibition of the right to obtain permission or permission to drive a motor vehicle.
] Leonel Feitoza, president of Detran-AM between 2013 and 2017
I have, in fact, already badumed the Detran-AM with the Seca law. To apply the law to Manaus, we worked hard. The numbers of accidents have decreased. For example, during the carnival, hospital attendance rates decreased by 50%. Constant and continuous monitoring reduces the risk of accidents. Traffic laws have evolved and the drought law has changed the reality of road crime in Brazil. She became feared and respected. People had the impression that the Seca law existed, that there was repression and that they could have penalties (the offense of flagrante delicto). Laws in the country require constant and effective supervision. We started doing blitze every day. Continuous and continuous monitoring reduces the risk of accidents. What is missing is the consciousness without this "Brazilian way". The person who drinks alcohol must know that she can kill or die.
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