With pneumonia, Bolsonaro does not abandon Twitter


Despite the diagnosis of pneumonia, President Jair Bolsonaro did not abandon his social networks. Thursday night, at 7 pm, Bolsonaro published a series of publications on his Twitter account. For example, he spoke of the talk that Minister Paulo Guedes had with the Italian ambbadador, Antonio Bernardini, and the president of Sace investment agency, Alessandro Decio.

"Previous governments have targeted" companies "only on the ideological side, almost destroying Brazil, and by retaining power they have used public money to sponsor their government counterparts in ways that are of no interest to our country. taken, we change the direction of the nation! ", he writes. The president also wrote an article about Brumadinho, who wanted to comfort the family of the victims.

Previous governments targeted "businesses" only on the ideological side, almost destroying Brazil. By retaining power, they used the public purse to sponsor their government counterparts in ways that were of no interest to our country. Without this bias, we change the direction of the nation! f (b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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