The NBB 2018/2019 season will begin on October 13th. This Saturday, at the General Assembly of the National Basketball League (LNB), was announced the opening date of the next edition of the national men's basketball championship. The inaugural match will include a live broadcast of the band, which continues as the official media partner of the competition.
During the badembly, the 15 pre-registered clubs for the 2018/2019 season were also defined. In addition to the remaining 13 NBB titles, Corinthians, who won the Gold League title, and São José, the vice-president of the same competition, also participated in the event.
General Assembly of the National Basketball League (LNB) took place this Saturday in São Paulo
Now, for their entries to be confirmed, the teams will have to prove all the documentation required by LNB for the 11th edition of BNB. From now on July 13th, the clubs will have to provide the financial and structural proofs so that the technical department of the LNB can evaluate the conditions of each team. Participants will be announced on July 24th.
Already in relation to the rules, the clubs approved the changes. The bottom line is that the first phase of the playoffs (round of 16) will be played in a match of three best games – the other stages (quarter-finals, semi-finals and finals) are better than five. The change aims to reduce downtime for G4 teams, who go straight to the quarterfinals.
Another NBB change to next season will be relegated. Instead of two teams, only one will fall to the Gold League, which will continue to take its champion to the national basketball elite.
Discover the 15 pre-recorded clubs for the NBB season 2018/2019:
Basket Cearense (CE)
Joinville (19659002)
Brazilian Football Association
Brazilian Football Association
Brazilian Football Association
Brazilian Football Association
São José (SP)
São Paulo (SP)
São Paulo Mines (SP)
Mogi des Cruzes / Helbor (SP)
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