Without the DEM, Alckmin quotes Nelsinho and Miglioli as pre-candidates in the Senate


With the presence of MPs, councilors, mayors and government leaders of Reinaldo Azambuja, the PSDB held a political act this morning (30) to receive the presidency of the acronym, former governor of São Paulo. Paulo, Geraldo Alckmin, who may have reported the formation of the majority plate of Tucana in Mato Grosso do Sul.

Alckmin and Azambuja themselves greeted the activists present at the event and introduced the two pre-candidates to the Senate, the former secretary of state

Previously , the regional PSDB president, MP Beto Pereira, pointed out that the PSDB summit is still evaluating to attend the PSDB meeting and the former mayor of the capital, Nelsinho Trad (PTB).


Geraldo Alckmin himself did not name the DEM among the parties for which he was able to vote, do not incorporate your plate into the race at the Plbadto Palace.

The weekend edition of Veja magazine revealed that the presidential candidate for the Democratic Party, the mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Rodrigo Maia of Rio de Janeiro, resisting on behalf of Alckmin for an alliance. The deputy reportedly ordered, according to the publication, an investigation that would show a 61% rejection to the PSDB of the Brazilian electorate.

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