Xbox One nearly 5 million in the UK •


The UK is one of the few markets on which we can get information on console sales and video games, which is very curious when we talk about one of the markets the stronger in Europe.

Yesterday we had the opportunity to find the total number of PlayStation 4 sales and total number of Nintendo Switch consoles sold on Her Majesty's lands.

Now, Christopher Dring, who is responsible for the weekly sharing of console and video game sales in the UK, shared the total number of Xbox consoles.

Dring confirmed that the PlayStation 4 was able to sell more than one million consoles in 2018, for a total value of more than 6 million units.

Given these numbers, Dring was asked what the following figures were: Xbox One and shared that they are very close to the 5 million units sold since the launch in 2013. [19659002] This is a value that may surprise some shows that the Microsoft console is not as far behind the Sony console as some might think.

In countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States, sales of both consoles are very close, says Dring, while in countries like Germany, "the Xbox n 'hardly exists.'

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