According to the police, Sunday (1), the population and the army were looking for Marlon and would have found him in the jungle. The son of Luza Rocha – a former mayor of the city – would be in the group. According to the police, the young man was identified as Tssio Rocha and eventually died during a confrontation.
Lieutenant-Colonel Mrcio Silva Rogrio, commander of the 2nd Military Police Battalion in Caxias-MA, supported the information that Marlon was lynched and killed by the population shortly after Tssio's death . He also said that the police could do nothing to prevent his death and that the number of policemen could not prevent people from looking for the murderer himself.
"For the moment, no one is holding the population." The police asked a lot of people to enter the bush, but unfortunately there were a lot of people and we ran 12 policemen, we asked no one to enter. Marlon first met the police, when we arrived, the shot had already been produced because it was fast and there was no way to get it. avoid the situation, "said the commander.
Three people were murdered at dawn this morning (30) after a discussion at the closing of a June party in the municipality of So Joo do Soter, 413 km from So Lus, military police reported that the confusion began because of the closing time of the camp.
According to the Prime Minister, the discussion began when there was had a difference between the closing time of the camp, which was scheduled for 2 am Marlon was shot dead in the air.The secretary of culture of the municipality, Ccero Rocha, tried to contain the suspect, but ended up being shot with his face and died.
Abbot Antnio da Conceio Aguiar was also shot dead while he was dead. He was trying to contain the murderer, but he died. In attempting to flee the scene, Marlon was pursued by a friend of the victims identified as NASA's Jnior, who was also struck and died.
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