Young prisoners in a cave in Thailand: see questions and answers | World


The rescue of 12 boys from a football team and its trainer, trapped in the Tham Luang cave in Thailand's Chiang Rai province, could take months, local officials said. The group entered the site to protect themselves from the rain on June 23rd and was only located on Monday (2).

Hungry and anxious, but in good health, they received food and medicine and are accompanied by doctors, and wait, as the team led by the Thai Navy, to study the best way to remove them.

Here are some questions and answers about the case.

How did the boys and the technician stop at such an isolated point inside the cave?

This was not the first time that they had entered the cave to protect themselves from the rain after a training session of Moo Pa (or boar) near there. But that day the storm intensified and the waters rose very quickly, forcing the group into an ever deeper zone. Surprised by the flooding of the underground network, they found themselves trapped and unable to return on entering.

Why did it take so long before they were located?

Tham Luang Cave is large, spacious and has many ramifications. Moving a few hundred meters, its pbadage becomes complex and narrow. There are rooms along the way, and many of them accumulate water even in the dry period. When it rains a lot, the galleries fill up and overflow. The cave has 10 km of known courses and the depth also attracts attention. It is estimated that the location of the boys is between 800 meters and 1 km deep.

When they entered the cave, the boys left their bikes near the entrance, and their shoes and backpacks – where they had food – stood somewhere else on the way. So they spent the nine days before they were found without eating anything, just by drinking water that flowed into the cave. When they were spotted, one of the first things they said was that they were very hungry, and the members of their family, seeing the video of the first contact made by the divers, were said that they had lost weight.

  Richard Stanton (left) and John Volanthen (center), British divers who found the lost boys, speak to the rescuers at the entrance to Tham Luang Cave in Thailand on Tuesday (3) Richard Stanton ( left) and John Volanthen (center), British divers who followed the lost boys, speak to members of the rescue team at the entrance to Tham Luang Cave in Thailand on Tuesday (3 ) (photo: AP photo / Sakchai Lalit) data <img clbad = "image content-media__image" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "Richard Stanton (left) and John Volanthen (center), British divers who found lost boys, speak to rescuers at Tham Luang Cave entrance in Thailand on Tuesday, Richard Stanton (left) and John Volanthen (center), British divers who followed the lost boys, speak to members of the rescue team at the entrance to Tham Lu cave ang, Thailand, Tuesday (3) (Photo: AP Photo / Sakchai Lalit) "data-src ="×1065/1008×0/smart/filters:strip_icc (( 19659012) Richard Stanton (left) and John Volanthen (center), British divers (Photo: AP Photo / Sakchai Lalit)

When and how were they found? [Photo: AP Photo / Sakchai Lalit] When and how were they found? 19659014] On Monday evening (2), British divers Rick Stanton and John Volanthen arrived at the place where the group was fought at a higher point, protected against flooding. To get there, they had to take a winding path and dive for six hours from the entrance to the cave. The two filmed the moment of the meeting, when they asked how many boys were there and celebrated by hearing "13", confirming that they were all alive. They then explained that they could not withdraw them from that moment but that more help would come soon.

When and how will they be saved?

It is not yet possible to estimate the date of the ransom, which may take months. The teams evaluate three options and say that they will adopt the one that offers the least risk to the safety of the boys and the coach. One of them is to find a point that can be drilled to reach the place where they are, the second is to drain the water from the cave and the last, considered the most risky is to use diving techniques to guide the group. out of the cave.

<img clbad = "content-video__placeholder__thumb" src = "" alt = "5 facts: understanding the case of boys trapped in a cave in Thailand "title =" 5 facts: understanding the case of boys trapped in a cave in Thailand "

5 facts: understanding the case of boys trapped in a cave in Thailand

Is it possible to to drill the surface or wall of the cave to get to where they are?

The teams are looking for the mountain where the cave is looking for other entrances, already known. some cracks have been found and are under study, but for the moment none of them will have any connection with the point where the group is trapped. If an entry can be found with the exact location, the possibility of opening a path will be badyzed.

Why do not they drain water from inside the cave so that they can get out where they entered?

This was done before the group was located, and about 1.6 million liters were removed. per hour, according to CNN. But the volume of water inside the cave is very important and the rains continue to fall, making it virtually impossible to empty or at least leave a level low enough to allow pbadage. To make matters worse, the north of Thailand faces an annual heavy rains season that lasts until October and the forecast for the next few days is that there will be no truce in heavy rains.

They can not go on the same path as the divers who found them?

The divers took a six-hour winding path with very muddy water and no visibility to get there. One of them even compared the experience to "dive into the cafe". To be guided, the boys and the technician should learn to dive, which would be difficult in good conditions, and even worse because they were physically weak. This is the riskiest option that would also take several weeks, as rescue officials say that they would never risk the group's life in an operation without being 100% sure that it's safe. they would be able to do it. "We have worked so hard to find them and we will not lose them," said Chiang Rai Provincial Governor Narongsak Osatanakorn.

Do they have health problems? What can happen after so many days in the cave?

According to the Thai Navy, they are healthy and have only a few rashes, in addition to losing weight and being weak. Yet doctors prescribe painkillers and antibiotics as a precaution. According to Evandro José de Almeida Figueiredo, neurologist at Albert Einstein Hospital, a person can withstand up to 40/50 days without food, but as the child grows up, he has less reserve than he does. ;an adult. Even more serious would be the deprivation of water, but the boys managed to get the liquid in the cave. According to the English newspaper "The Guardian", the divers who arrived at the cave said that the ambient temperature was around 26 ° C, which helped them not to suffer from dehydration or hypothermia.

  A military helicopter carries a drill that can be used in the rescue operation at Tham Luang Cave, Thailand, on Monday (2) (Photo: AP Photo / Sakchai Lalit) <img clbad = "image content-media__image" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "military helicopter carries a drilling machine that can be used (Photo: AP Photo / Sakchai Lalit)" A military helicopter carries a drill that can be used in the helicopter. rescue operation at Tham Cave, Thailand, Monday (2) Luang, Thailand, Monday (2) (Photo: Photo AP / Sakchai Lalit) "data-src =" / 0x0: 1700×1065 / 1008×0 / smart / filters: tape

A military helicopter carries a drill that can be used in operation (Photo: AP Photo / Sakchai Lalit)

What happens then? they did not come out of the cave?

The group receives food and medicine and is accompanied by seven members of the Thai Navy, including a doctor and a nurse, who are with them all the time inside the cave. According to the Associated Press, two Navy doctors volunteered to stay for months if necessary. Initially, the boys and technician received drinks with high doses of protein and easy-to-digest food before the food was caloric. Power lines are also installed to not be left in the dark and phone lines, so that it is possible to communicate with their loved ones, who are at the entrance to the cave since the beginning of research.

Who participates in the rescue operation?

The operation is coordinated by the Thai Navy, but experts from different countries collaborate. There are divers and other professionals from the United Kingdom, United States, Australia and China, among other countries.

What can be the physical and psychological consequences of such an experiment?

As they receive food and medical care, they should not suffer serious consequences for the days that have elapsed without food. But depending on the number of days they are trapped, lack of lighting in the cave can cause vitamin D deficiency. Bruno Mader, a psychologist at Pequeno Príncipe Children's Hospital in Curitiba, explains that children can suffer from post-traumatic stress. can appear long after the event and be triggered by something without apparent relationship.

  The map shows where the football team is trapped in a cave in Thailand (Photo: Karina Almeida and Juliane Monteiro / G1) Juliane Monteiro / G1) "src =" data: image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCABeABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAHAAAAgMAAwEAAAAAAAAAAAAABgcEBQgBAgMJ / 8QAGQEAAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIDBAEF / 9oADAMBAAIQAxAAAAFtScvdK5tiWalpG6uvAmriNP0m DK8ZZjKwe + + IMONZUzApaCctE4nrdihTBB0hldiGOQ9LIxpkDZHNJ / OfSugOwf / EACIQAAEEAgICAwEAAAAAAAAAAAIAAQMEBQYREhMUBxUWJP / aAAgBAQABBQIti18THM4aZ4RrRy + / EiiksS9SNw3WhEH7GijgJyh5dEzkfVHWZSVZUVUog9WRQbPBLtgbXXDZ7GxvFsfrRIIoRyIUglvNU / sVnMzQbMHYBezw6v0Jz2 / N5K3UwWQrSnkUxPLNmN2bCZSluw3y + zUbyNJtdyOltkmVHvxi1y / b5JGUtuOKbjtIgEmBwXideN1 // 8QAIREAAgEDAwUAAAAAAAAAAAAAABEBAgNBITFRBBASEzP / 2gAIAQMBAT8Bm7JN3g1iXBLep7emfzwt88lyqipeFK75IpZsM EAB0RAQABAwUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAEBESAgMgMVH // / // 2gAIAQIBAT8Bwhty5THX7ATvgtq 8QANBAAAgADBgMECAcAAAAAAAAAAQIAAxEEEhMhMTIFIlEQI1KSBhUzQWFxgaEUQpGiseHw / 9oACAEBAAY / AircQS9rSjRSVa1mMM 6DL YDgc2sawKswujaDF2kKDjGgpS5 + / cbZ3kgqeVqV5ovAJWnhjnbIflCUjb9oL3vrrBpdm / I0glq4nhTONphuEer2CXjLxb2dQOnSPU / 4Iqt7DExtSevygcPThbzZAYS3tCjaxAP6ZiPZJ5Ye09wGOWLy3qdKwLZ3bMOVZgUFqdKwZ VaUyGfZw + / H + Rk2iXMYn3grDm / ifaEF3dpn2cKtapWzykmo7V2kjKLa9js72i04rS1S4TkTr8Y9HmVHKyq3zd0yGvYAdw0JQQ9ieytPIAbEDUGcXJdmF7pjiPZfvENRK83jidNmyDawqS6yFanu1iQZ6iWquWaWufKdV / 3SNw80aN9DE4qkymFL0U9IPdTT8bhja / lijtePWlI1I sbzG8x + / 8QAJhABAAICAAQGAwEAAAAAAAAAAQARITFBUZHxEGFxgcHRobHw4f / aAAgBAQABPyEKniPqlRFbiDi6SwOCt MH8 + Y + + + Euzq2ZXGlXk CiqE6x / F 4ggmxS UL8Bqs + + / iDTkNNrl8z0YrIra0 / SBHlYHA9o9F / Ht79Z3Y 5TYD37RX0 + / mB / TFjdBM7F35wZ / fa0BWhZmdgSgOW0t6iYWc WBBC + + EEtXDBKcl4m / A7msHqNYryiQqrgapUXLaiq / z4N9KsZLI5OriSRcEIKgYBnlGItSSY VYlRQm1HHaViP5qGqpiVUl2D9ktJccbZFXvuJJuzUVSXhcyJEc7 sGm8R3PLmG7VEvu2Rh0Q + + / + + // Od4TjA Atn ELzDucdz8B 9oADAM BAAIAAwAAABB67BrEwABzLqv / xAAeEQEBAAEFAAMAAAAAAAAAAAABEQAQITFRYUGB8P / aAAgBAwEBPxACQwNsIy1y9CuQq53P35xgRoCO9r35rBh4yOkPvOT86P / EAB0RAQACAgIDAAAAA AAAAAAAAAEAESExEHFBUeH / 2gAIAQIBAT8QC4vMBu2WFMETDMPe9ePUurXyqFkVbU6 zZmAE + // EACQQAQEAAgEDBAIDAAAAAAAAAAERACExQVFhEHGhwZHw0eHx / 9oACAEBAAE / EGYLYS277ucUJWoBaiw7eBvYcAmcnIHQ3rQ975zxPn MrqJSjUYjqCcGbvzqgWa2oYDu5XgCA7h16Ssb0DkOr4 + / PZxEBy / teDbNOyYVRWoAdHC1qwk1k5tNkAIHMq5NKvTEajgk0k2J7eMcUUkCa0oh1Qd hotUNmp0oqBvE4MIYPSGvuSpsOOjHaAiAhL1UkaVCG + / 1X6xCaWWKaUaoGl1DsZJZsgu08gOj1e MUqhCDUNCwdK + + + jrcfyJlSkCKLsaJMvYEVsml 3thgQIJt5Dw51dZcV4EQoeI9ABBQWpSkxzeMURhOyvJkA4pqg8iPMscrs5pZqNx5G9lwJ8zYwrSne7vGMRpC4Fdj / AHnjZ3IfBmXgv4Ae2C47izADgYyoHG7hVPkihjppF A7qZ + g + / edcoeU32QPnBTz503RSmvfEhkSKWc WFR + / + 1M + 0a3orCCyELdy5W8aJ FzQ4v9Qz / Map shows where & # 39, football team is trapped in a cave in Thailand (Photo: Karina Almeida and Juliane Monteiro / G1) "title =" Map shows where the football team is trapped in a cave in Thailand (Photo : Karina Almeida and Juliane Monteiro / G1) "data-src =" BU = / 0x0: 1600x6018 / 984x0 / smart / filters: strip_icc () / </source></source></source></source></source></picture> </div>
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The map shows where the football team is trapped in a cave in Thailand (Photo: Karina Almeida and Juliane Monteiro) [/ b] / / G1)

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