A roaming agreement between the country's four main operators in cities of less than 30,000 inhabitants is still in force in 2019. |
The National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel), as well as the telephone companies, wants to implement this year the project "Roaming 30K", which provides that all municipalities with less than 30,000 inhabitants are served by the model of voice roaming and data between the four main phones of the country.
He is good to specify that with this project "Roaming 30K", Anatel does not authorize total roaming, to which all operators have access. the networks of others, to avoid that a customer who is in the area of his provider is unduly served by another company, making the service more expensive.
Currently, all municipalities in the national territory are covered by at least one operator.
In a second phase it will be possible to make possible the use of the network of an operator by a user of another, if he is in the zone of. shadow of its original supplier, even though it is covered under the same conditions at the headquarters of the municipality. According to data from Anatel, there would be 667 municipalities with fewer than 30,000 inhabitants with a single supplier, 1,356 with two suppliers, 919 with three suppliers and 1,545 with four or more.
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