NRG Stadium set to become a COVID-19 mega site

[ad_1] A new mega vaccine site will launch this month at NRG Stadium, according to the White House COVID-19 response team. Houstonians can expect around 10,000 shots a day to be administered at NRG Stadium, according to the Biden administration. NRG Stadium will be one of three mega venues in Texas, including Fair Park in … Read more

Why Alabama has the worst Covid-19 vaccination rates

[ad_1] In the states race to administer Covid-19 vaccines to residents, Alabama has always followed the pack. Alabama administered 10,013 doses per 100,000 people as of Tuesday, the lowest rate among states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Meanwhile, it had one of the highest rates in the United States for positive … Read more

CDC COVID-19 Guidelines: Fully vaccinated people can skip COVID quarantines if exposed to an infected person

[ad_1] PHILADELPHIA – People who have been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus – at the moment that means with two doses of the Pfizer / BioNTech or Moderna vaccine – can skip quarantine if exposed to someone infected with the virus, the Centers for Disease US Control and Prevention said Wednesday. That doesn’t mean they … Read more

SLO County opens COVID-19 vaccines to people 65 and older

[ad_1] The San Luis Obispo County Public Health Department is now opening appointments for the COVID-19 vaccine to people 65 and older. County health officials say the decision comes on the recommendation of the local vaccine task force, based on the current vaccine supply and the risk of severe consequences from COVID-19. Meetings for next … Read more

California coronavirus death toll highest in US

[ad_1] California’s coronavirus-related death toll topped New York’s in the past day to become the highest in the country. The state added 487 new deaths to reach 45,496 total deaths this week, and has a test positivity rate of 7.51%, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. New York’s test positivity rate is 4.39% and … Read more

Covid-19 ‘definitely’ threatens life greater than seasonal flu, with 3.5 times higher risk of death, new Canadian study finds – RT World News

[ad_1] A new study in Canada has found that the risk of death from Covid-19 is three and a half times higher than the threat posed by the flu, while dispelling the myth that the disease tends not to affect young people. The results were published in the Journal of the Canadian Medical Association (CMAJ) … Read more

Fully vaccinated people don’t need to quarantine post-coronavirus exposure, CDC says

[ad_1] The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said on Wednesday that those who are fully vaccinated against the coronavirus and “meet the criteria” will no longer be required to quarantine after being exposed to someone with COVID-19. The CDC said the update applies to fully vaccinated people who received the last dose within … Read more

CDC: Fully vaccinated people do not need to quarantine after exposure to COVID

[ad_1] The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released new guidelines that say people who have been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus no longer need to quarantine if exposed to someone infected with COVID-19. “Fully vaccinated people who meet the criteria will no longer be required to quarantine after exposure to someone with … Read more

Roche’s arthritis drug reduces mortality in hospitalized patients with severe Covid

[ad_1] A pharmacist presents a box of tocilizumab, which is used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, at the hospital pharmacy in Cambrai, France, April 28, 2020. Pascal Rossignol | Reuters A drug used to treat people with rheumatoid arthritis appears to reduce the risk of death in hospitalized patients with severe Covid-19, especially when … Read more

Fauci predicts COVID vaccine will be open to everyone by April

[ad_1] Dr Anthony Fauci said on Thursday the pace of COVID-19 vaccinations was accelerating – and that by April, it would be the “open season” for virtually everyone to receive the vaccine. Fauci, who is the scientific adviser to President Joe Biden, told NBC “Today” that the vaccination rate will accelerate dramatically over the next … Read more