Our closest neighboring exoplanets could be habitable after all | Astrobiology, astronomy

[ad_1] Proxima b, TRAPPIST-1e, Ross-128b and LHS-1140b – the potentially livable outermost planets – revolve around a different type of star from our Sun: M-type stars (red dwarfs) . Such stars can blaze frequently, bombarding planets with biologically harmful ultraviolet (UV) light, exposing their atmosphere to erosion risk and challenging the habitability of these worlds. … Read more

Scientists find new way to revive stable fusion reactions

[ad_1] Warm fusion Scientists at the Princeton Plasma Physics Lab said they have found a new way to start nuclear fusion reactions. The new technique described in the research published last month in the journal Physics of plasmas, provides the reactors with an alternative way of converting gas into superhot plasma that allows fusion reactions … Read more

Nobel chemists are laggards when you compare them to other laureates | New

[ad_1] According to a fairly well-known statistic, the average age at which a scientist wins the Nobel Prize is 59 years. A new analysis, however, focused on the age at which Nobel laureates actually perform the research that earned them the prize. Rasmus Bjørk, a researcher at the Technical University of Denmark, used biographical information … Read more

Archaeologists identify the first prehistoric figurative rock art of the Balkans – it's symbolic!

[ad_1] There was an explosion of symbolism in human culture during the Paleolithic period. Throughout the world, examples of rock art, some of them rather strange, began to multiply more than 35,000 years ago. But some places have been more willing than others to share their prehistoric artwork. The Balkans are a place where Paleolithic … Read more

The broken proteins of the mitochondria use the proteins' eat me & # 39; to summon their tormentors

[ad_1] Localization of NIPSNAP1 both inside (red) and on the surface (green) mitochondria. Credit: Anne Simonsen When mitochondria are damaged, they avoid causing other problems by signaling cellular proteins to degrade them. In a newspaper published on April 11, 2019, in the journal Developmental cellNorwegian scientists report having discovered how cells trigger this process, called … Read more

First black hole photographed by humanity baptized with the official name

[ad_1] The first black hole photographed by humanity that caught the world's attention this week was officially dubbed "Powehi". The name comes from the University of Hawaii and the language teacher Larry Kimura, according to a school press release. For those who wonder why this honor went to the University of Hawaii, the state houses … Read more